Jim Bramlett (14 Apr 2012)
"A Covenant-Keeping God"

Dear friends:

The below is a devotional by Pastor Joseph Prince of the New Creation Church in Singapore.  It emphasizes the importance of believing God's Word and simply taking Him at His Word, without doubting.

Our home Bible study loves Pastor Prince's teachings and the unusual insights he brings, and we watch one of his DVD's or TV teachings just about every week, and discuss them.  God has greatly gifted him with revelation, always Jesus-centered, with focus on God's love and grace.  You can watch him on TV on the following networks: ABC, TBN, and Daystar.  For schedule, see http://www.josephprince.org/.

Be blessed

How You Know You Will Inherit It

Psalm 89:34
"My covenant I will not break, nor alter the word that has gone out of My lips."  (Psalm 89:34)
When God promises you something, do you take Him at His Word? Or do you, like Abraham, ask, “Lord God, how shall I know that I will inherit it?” (Genesis 15:8)

God did not reprimand Abraham for failing to take Him at His Word. That is how gracious God is to His people. He even came down to Abraham’s level of faith and did something to assure Abraham that He would always keep His promises ­ He made a covenant with Abraham. (Genesis 15:9–17)

God did not do it for His own benefit. God is a God of His Word. He does not break His Word. But He bound Himself to a covenant because He knew that Abraham needed to know in his heart that God would do whatever He had promised him.

Man finds it hard to just believe words. For example, when you buy a house, a contract is drawn up and signed by both parties, and lawyers are involved. You need a contract because you cannot trust the other person’s words and he cannot trust yours either.

Likewise, we find it hard to take God at His Word. So God made a covenant with us, not because He cannot be trusted, but because He knows that we find it hard to just believe what He says. God knows that man will wonder, “What if God wakes up on the wrong side of His bed tomorrow and decides to fry me instead of bless me?”

But because God has made a new covenant with us, which is established by the blood of His Son, we can, like Abraham, not waver through unbelief regarding the promises of God, but be strengthened in our faith, being fully persuaded that God will do as He has promised. (Romans 4:20–21) We have the assurance that God will not wake up one day and say, “Forget the new covenant. I want to remember your sins now and curse you instead of bless you!”

My friend, the new covenant blessings for you are guaranteed because God has bound Himself to the covenant. And He is a covenant-keeping God who is willing and more than able to do everything He has promised you!