Jane (17 Apr 2012)
"urgently need prayer support, in a lot of pain again."

hello to my Dove family
I hate asking for prayer all the time but please pray for me urgently, I am still battling with my health, Am in a lot of pain. I find it difficult to pray, but I wont give up!
I have asked Jesus if their is any sin I need to repent of and I do believe that I can be healed by the precious blood of our Saviour. I am booked for a diagnostic test in the beginning of May
As we haved recently moved to a new country I dont have a prayer support group and none of my family are serving the Lord, so you beloved Doves, are my family. I do put on the Armour of God, daily and I try my best to pray much in the Spirit. Why is this happening?
love to you all