Greg (9 Apr 2012)

Hi Amy,
Jesus Christ is Lord!  Amen.
Wow, you really took the time to post your email to me.  I truly am touched and appreciate you!!
Jesus says, "Take heed how you hear" (Luke 8: 18).  How we hear the word of God determines how we will perceive it, and how we perceive it, dictates how we will believe it, which end leads to our lifestyle (Matt. 13: 13-15).  Please understand, I was raised since birth for 28 yrs. into the theology that teaches the very doctrine you believe. I know it very well. And during this time I was the very one that said, "Christians aren't perfect just forgiven." The fruit of this doctrinal belief produces hypocrisy.  It claims it's not possible to cease from sin, yet Jesus says, "If you can believe, all things are possible to Him that believes" (Mark 9: 23): You Are What You Believe!  Therefore, if you hear and believe that you will remain a sinner, even after confessing your sins to be cleansed by His blood, then you will remain a sinner.  But IF you can believe it's possible to cease from sin, then the very moment you can believe it, will be the very moment His power will come upon you to free you indeed!! And trust you me, you will know it!!!
Jesus says, "If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed" (Jn. 8: 36). Interestingly, the Greek word for "indeed" is ontos, which means: for real, in truth, in actuality.  In other words, you can be free from sin for real (ontos). I mean really, really, really free!  Not some dreamer theology that man has devised through the doctrines of men that teaches God sees us as holy, as we continue to sin, even once in awhile (1 Cor. 5: 6-7). In John 8: 34 Jesus says, "...Whosoever that commits sin is the servant of sin," but He came to make us free from it. Free indeed!   
The question is:  do you really want to be free? Since all things are possible with God, this then puts it in our court to decide if we want to be free from sin or not, which comes through our believing, for Jesus Christ made it available for us to be free from sin through His cross.  Many Christians want to be free, but they don't want to do what's necessary to be free: "the spirit is willing but the flesh weak."  This is because they have been misguided to believe a lie. They want to believe that He does it all for us, including representing our holiness.  It is true He did complete it at the cross, but He doesn't represent our holiness.  The power of the cross not only forgives our PAST sins (Rom. 3: 25), but also empowers us to do what we could not do in and of our ownselves, something we must do (cease from the sins of the flesh; Gal. 5: 19-21), which when we do this, is being holy in His eyes.  We MUST be holy IF we are expected to live with Him: "....And holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord" (Heb. 12: 14).  If we continue to do the sins of the flesh, then we are none of His, even as scripture says in 1 Jn. 3: 6: "Whosoever abides in Him sins not: whosoever sins has not seen Him; neither known Him."
Now He's there waiting for you to take on what He has finished with the Helper: (Matt. 10: 38).
You are right now being given "sound doctrine."  What I have just given you is the knowledge that comes of Him. But how will you respond? Remember, scripture says,
"My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children" (Hosea 4: 6).
Faith works by love, and we love Him by ceasing from doing the sins of the flesh (Jn. 14: 15).
The real question for all of us is: how much do we love Him?
Know you're loved. And love Him back.
In Christ,