Greg (26 Apr 2012)

Hi Marilyn,
I hope you realize how much I value your knowledge of scripture and insight, which is why I dedicated my last posting to you: .  I must let you know though, I am 100% convicted that BHO is that man of sin, the son of perdition, and not just a bad president, and not only because of what scripture has to say on the matter, but also, what He has/is revealing to me in my spirit, and to others.
I think it wise to pay attention and strongly consider Kevin Heckle's astronomical discovery:
In Christ,
P.S. The Lord revealed to me what will be the strong delusion He sends upon them that they should believe a lie, and it's beyond U.F.O.'s (not that that will not be part of it), but because of preconceived ideas, most when told them wouldn't be able to receive it, therefore it must come by revelation through the Holy Spirit. I mentioned a little of it to you in my last posting but you never commented on it, so I felt it was best to leave it alone.  I appreciate you!!!