Greg (11 Apr 2012)

To all the church,
Why is there coming great tribulation?  It's because of them not accepting the truth that we can be actually free from the sins of the flesh!  There are those who never came to Christ, these are the unbelievers.  Then there are those who came to Christ, but because of false teachers, teaching that it's not possible to cease from sin, having been deceived themselves, have led many to believe the false doctrine. 
God made it very very simple for us to understand, but because of the doctrines of men the word has been complicated.  God said that if you do these things: 1 Cor. 6: 9-10; Gal. 5: 19-21; Eph. 4: 17-32; Col. 3: 5-11; 1 Thess. 4: 3; Rev. 21: 8, etc., you WILL NOT inherit the kingdom of God. The word "whosoever" means anyone.  It doesn't matter if you claim Christ or not in your life. If you are doing "these things", and think you are saved, you are deceived!!  Why do you allow yourself to believe a lie? God said, "Because of these things the wrath of God is coming upon the children of disobedience" (Eph. 5: 6). 
Church, I say this with love and a heavy heart, pleading with all my heart, for you to JUST STOP and consider what is being said!!  Do you want to be actually FREE from sin, or not?  If you do, and you hate sinning, or if you are tired of confessing and then repenting over and over again your sin, then God made it available for you to cease from sin!!!  All you have to do is believe that it's possible.  It's that's simple!  Jesus says, "If you can believe all things are possible to him that believes" (Mk. 9: 23).
So why the great tribulation?  Because they would not believe that they could be actually free from sin, and DO IT, the very purpose Jesus Christ shed His innocent blood on the cross for you and me.  So now, here is what will happen:
All unbelievers (them that have never accepted Christ), and all them that came to Christ, but believed that it's not possible to cease from sin, and do it, both will be cast into great tribulation, because they refused the true gospel.  And then God will send upon them a strong delusion that they should believe a lie (2 Thess. 2: 11-12), because they refused to believe to do the truth. 
Can you imagine the attitudes of Christians that are left behind in the Rapture, thinking that they should be included and are not?  And then, couple that with all the "timing of the Rapture theories" and choas...?  When the great tribulation begins, if you find yourself in it, it's because you have maintained a heart of unbelief that you can actually cease from sin, therefore your heart will not be desirous of God at that time, and He will send upon you strong delusion.
The time right now is for the church to truly repent from doing the sins of the flesh and believe it's possible to cease from sin, and do it, for He has done it for you and me already at the cross!  The time for sowing new seed in the Gentile church ended two years after BHO revealing (Gen. 45: 6). Those that have seed sown in them prior to this cut-off time (representing the church) still have time to repent and believe the true gospel/doctrine of Christ, but once the great tribulation begins, which I believe will be in November 2012 (but I'm not certain), then the Mercy Seat to the Gentile church will have been lifted, and God will resume with the Jews.  
God has had enough of the widespread sin within Christendom.  Most of the church now believes the false doctrine, that it's not possible to cease from doing the sins of the flesh.  Therefore, because of this unbelief, God said He would send the Assyrian to this hypocritical nation to bring it to desolation (Isaiah 10: 5-6).  God, thru His angel to Daniel said, "when the transgressors are come to the full a king of fierce countenance will stand up" (Dan. 8: 23).  Well, since that king is now here, you can know the transgressors (apostate church) has come to the full!!!
In conclusion, please do not make the assumption the there will be another opportunity for you to be saved once the great tribulation begins, because your heart will not receive Him.  If you cannot believe the truth now, while we still live under the Mercy Seat of Christ, what makes you think you will have a change of heart later, as His attention will be to the Jews? This is your time, right now, to repent!  Repent and believe the true gospel and doctrine of Jesus Christ!  For it is possible to cease from sin, and do it.
(There could be some of you that read this and scoff, and after lifting up your eyes in hell, find youself saying, "why did I not believe?" Don't let that be you!!!!!)
You know the "sinners prayer."  But this time you need to really, really to die to the "flesh" and believe.  Take on the heart of king David, who after his sin, repented and abided (continuously remained) in Him.
In Christ,
P.S. I strongly encourage you to read the entire two books of Peter (with attention to all of it but especially to 1 Pet. 2 and 2 Pet. 2.). AND KNOW YOU'RE LOVED!!!!!!!!!!