Gino (26 Apr 2012)
"RE: Paul NF: FiveDoves: 04.25.12: Obey my voice"

	As I wrote back yesterday, I'm convinced that our obedience to the Lord Jesus comes more from our being saved by him, loving him who first loved us, who put his Holy Spirit in us, wrote his laws in our hearts, and empowers us now to walk in the Spirit. This I think is more likely, than to consider that our obedience in the Lord comes about before we are saved, solely in the power of the flesh, before we have the Spirit, in an attempt to bypass the cross, to enter heaven by another way, the way of Cain, by our merits, by our works.
	If Mr. Andrew Murray is correct, and obedience is the very essence of salvation, then he must mean after we are saved, and certainly not before. That the obedience comes as a result of a born again believer choosing to love back Jesus who first loved him, rather than a lost man earning eternal life by obeying in the power of the flesh.
		Thank you,