Gerlinda (7 Apr 2012)
"Frank Molver - Re Golden Triangle....."

Frank R Molver (5 Apr 2012)
"Re Golden triangle, pyramid and sun"
Hi Frank,  Interesting post and especially the picture.  I asked a friend of mine to confirm to me what those Hebrew letters might be and she says they look like Yod Hey Vav Hey; as in Yehovah!   She used the "Introduction in Hebrew" by Zola Levitt as her guide.   Satan can do nothing of originality so he also copies the Pryamid shapes; the most recent ones found under the area of Lost Atlantis, it seems.  It has been their goal to locate the exact place of the Lost Atlantis so add this to the other things happening all in the recent couple of years, wow! 
There is one thing that did originate with Lucifer and that is "Rebellion".  gerlinda
post on the pyramid finds by sonar