Gerlinda (30 Apr 2012)
"To Clay - regarding your testimony"

Hello Clay,
Once again, I enjoyed your pictures you posted on Dresdan and what European cities suffered from the Allied bombings in retaliation of Hitler's mad desires for the Third Reich.  I read some history on him just today and it appears he was a "Illuminati Insider's stoolie" who was being used to bring about that Second World War.  Like a ranting puppet of Mind Control, they used his "sexual deviations" to accomplish their desires.  As always, it is the innocent that suffer at the hands of these "Demonic Despots".   
The picture of the little girl (next to last) on page 12 of the photos reminded me of myself so much at the age of when my mother and I left Germany to come to America. We had to take a cold train in early April (with board seats - no backs to them) up to Nurnberg; then we walked in that cold, windy weather for quite a distance from the station to my mother's friend's little one room apartment to wait until we flew out of Germany.  While walking, I recalled the city looking so much like what I saw on the Dresdan's bombed out building photos.  People were cleaning up the destruction with anything they could find, especially the lowly wheel-barrel and the majority of the workers were women because most of the men were "gone", including my own father.  When we got to Mutte's friend, I recall being put into the soft feather tick bed to nap.  When I awoke, my aunt, whom had traveled with us, had left to return to her home.  I saw her again 24 years later.  Thanks for those pictures.
I'm really sorry to read of your back problems.  It seems like most of us have that as the main complaint of pain to endure.  I can relate; broke my back getting thrown off a horse 30 years ago and landed on a rock, which also caused my tail-bone to be bent into a 45 degree angle.   Like you,  I've fallen on it over and over and over again (about 10 times total) so that now, I have constant pain with days of barely any sitting.  No surgery can be done because of permanent nerve damage if tried. If it wasn't for God's Grace and Prophetic promises, it would be too much to bear.  Being able to take a sleeping pill, finally, at the end of the day, is what I look forward to so that my mind can just shut off for a while.  But you know what Clay, I probably would never have slowed down long enough other wise to look up.  Oh, I read and  considered all that Job had suffered and even told myself, I could never stand that.  I had prayed, "Create in me a Clean Heart, Oh God and renew a right spirit within me."  Psalm 51:10  And He answered my prayer in a hard lesson.  But, I now look up and am thankful for a much closer walk.
I'll accept your scripture promise for my own, "But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings. You shall go out leaping like calves from the stall." Malachi 4:2  And may you get your healing very, very soon.
God Bless you Clay,

Clay Cantrell (27 Apr 2012)
"My Testimony involving Malachi 4:2"