Gail (26 Apr 2012)
"Re: Rowina"

I can tell you haven't read many of my posts.
I don't think P.Charles is a true believer in any god.
He uses pro-islamic rhetoric as a platform, exactly like he uses
global warming issues, exactly like his appearances as a hollogram,
-for attention. 
The United Kingdom(Great Britain) is repeating Germany's history of a currency crash, with new currency('Mark of the Beast') to be installed. 
Just like I noted in my previous post-
European Jewish group fears Israel-Iran backlash
April 18, 2012

Tel Aviv, Israel -The head of a top European Jewish group says he fears a wave of violence against local communities if Israel attacks Iran.

Moshe Kantor, head of the European Jewish Congress, said he fears extremist Muslims in Europe might use an attack as a pretext, particularly in France and Great Britain. 

I agree, I think both countries, as well as others will see dramatic radical Islamic attacks.

Once so much Islamic terror is underway, who will they listen  to, to resolve it?

Look at Britain's past-


Prince Charles applauds role of UK Muslims - Culture ...

Muslim communities have "enriched Britain in every sense", Prince Charles said as he attended an award ceremony for ... An event to celebrate the 100 most powerful Arab ...
and british authorities have sought to engage more with Muslim communities since the suicide bomb attacks on London in 2005, which saw four British nationals blow themselves up on the city's transport network, killing 52 others.
Let's do a link-up with France's elections right now, and why I posted to watch them-
Islam takes centre stage in battle for France, The Toulouse shooting, arrest of 30 Islamic radicals and expulsion of 10 more has all shone ...
"France is the worst place in Europe to be a Muslim, because the government is so against us. And if Nicolas Sarkozy is re-elected, it can only get worse."

But the sense of fear is, for many French non-muslim voters, mutual. Last week French police launched the latest of a series of raids on suspected Islamic militants, detaining 10 people across the country in predawn arrests. Five Islamic fundamentalists were also kicked out of France or told not to return, and concerns over Islamic fundamentalism have made security one of the key talking points with two weeks to go in the presidential election campaign. (May 6th final vote)

Islamis taking awkward centre stage in the campaign in a way that would be unthinkable in Britain.


Mideast envoy role for UK prince?

October 20, 2001

The Prince of Wales may act as an unofficial envoy in the war against terrorism, it has emerged.

It is understood his close contacts with Saudi Arabia and sympathetic understanding of Islam would help the international coalition shore up support in the Arab world.

He starts out as the little horn the Prophet Daniel saw speaking great words- Daniel 7:8, “I considered the horns, and, behold, there came up among them another little horn, before whom there were three of the first horns plucked up by the roots: and, behold, in this horn were eyes like the eyes of man, and a mouth speaking great things.”



Hopefully Barley is Harvested, before he's embraced.

When Ruth and Naomi came to Bethlehem, they received a warm welcome. And they came at a good time - "In the beginning of barley harvest." The beginning of barley harvest was in late April, in the early springtime. Barley is the first grain that ripens in the spring. It is then that the firstfruits of the earth are brought forth, upon which the Scriptures place such great significance.

Mid-Point - March 21st, 2013

God Bless