Gail (24 Apr 2012)
"Why watch France?  The wave about to hit -Radical Islamic Attacks"

The European press fears a 4th Reich coming out of Germany. That's the wrong country to be wary of, it's coming out of the United Kingdom, 'The Glorious Kingdom' according to the prophet Daniel. The hyper-inflation of 1923 was not the cause that created the conditions that led to the rise of Adolf Hitler, but deflation.

Sadly, the British Government shares some of the July 1931 Germany Weimar approach. It has convinced itself that there is virtue in austerity. 

Leading right to it- 

French prez race all about emotion: Fear of finance and Islam, anger at Sarkozy and the rich April 21,2012

PARIS - Like Barack Obama, Nicolas Sarkozy swept to power on a wave of hope for change. Sarkozy's wave crashed on the global financial crisis and his own failings. To voters, the conservative Sarkozy gets the blame. A decisive second round on May 6, will decide France's future.


Campaign fear-mongering has a different focus: France's No. 2 religion.

Far right candidate Marine Le Pen rails against the "Islamization" of France and made a stink about the widespread availability of halal meat and Muslims praying on sidewalks for lack of mosque space.

The rhetoric horrifies many voters and stigmatizes France's estimated 5 million Muslims - Western Europe's largest Muslim population. But it's hit a nerve among many French, especially after a suspected gunman killed Jewish schoolchildren and paratroopers in the name of radical Islam in a rampage last month.

And Sarkozy has followed Le Pen's lead.

He championed a ban on Islamic face veils that he says imprison women and go against French values, and says the country should slash the number of immigrants it takes in. 

Sarkozy hunts far-right votes after Socialist win April 23, 2012

France's President Nicolas Sarkozy hunted far-right votes on Monday after losing to Socialist Francois Hollande in a first round vote that saw a shock breakthrough by the anti-immigrant National Front.

Hollande and Sarkozy are to face each other in a run-off on May 6.

But it was the shock showing of populist nationalist flagbearer Le Pen that shook up the race, setting up her voters as potential kingmakers.

Polls show most far-right supporters prefer Sarkozy but up to a quarter -- mainly working-class voters attracted by Le Pen's protectionist trade policies -- could switch to Hollande.

"These anxieties, this suffering, I know them, I understand them," Sarkozy said."They are about respecting our borders, the determined fight against job relocation, controlling immigration, putting value on work, on security."

His camp moved quickly Monday to show confidence and seduce far-right voters.

Sarkozy has challenged Hollande to three televised debates, but the frontrunner insists one would be enough.

Sarkozy says his rival is inexperienced and weak-willed and would spark financial panic through reckless spending pledges.

Europe's main stock markets were down as traders reacted to the results.


It starts as a wave, turns into an Islamic Tsunami, ushering in Pro-Islam HRH P.Charles, and the end to many christian and jewish freedoms.

It's coming major Appeasement.

Mid-Point - March 21st, 2013

God Bless,
