Frank R Molver (7 Apr 2012)
"Nicoles re dream of Obama re elected after failure"
Very fascinating dream
Certainly possible
O is very sneaky
My son had a dream the night of April 4th, 2012.

He saw that there were people who were excited about the global government rising and had been watching events unfold with anticipation. Many people were not Illuminati but were low level people that knew their ideas and beliefs. There was a group that knew that Hitler was the highest Illuminati member and they decided to dress in Nazi uniforms and start waving Nazi flags to usher in his return. They were videotaping it and dancing around. And then they saw an apparition of Hitler come (it was a demon) and stand on a pedestal and talk to them.

The next thing that my son saw was that a man was elected President and it was not Obama. And then all the mockers said, see those Christians are so stupid, they kept saying he was the antichrist and he isn't....everyone voted him out, he was just a man. And they went back to their partying and drinking. My son saw this man full of pride and he was on top of the world celebrating so he let his guard down. Then he saw that a group who was Illuminati sent him a video of Hitler with a gun, like they would shoot him. And it was a cheesy video, this President had it checked out and then all precautions were taken. After everything seemed fine, he went on to drink alcohol at a party of being elected. During the celebration my son saw that he was assassinated. And then whatever happened next my son did not know, but there was held an emergency election. And Obama once again took the stage as President. And then my son saw an assassin come in and shot him in the head. It was all over the news, people were beside themselves wondering who these terrorists were that were taking down the Presidents and wanted explanations. Everyone gathered in unity at his recovery and explanations of who was causing these atrocities. And then Obama recovered from the head wound supernaturally and he was NOT THE SAME. The Christians were then labeled as terrorists who were doing this.

My son saw that Los Angeles and New York and the surrounding areas looked like something really bad happened like an earthquake. He was not sure the timing of it but he said that it was so bad that they had to figure out what to do with all the trash. And that they were thinking about sending a lot of it into space. And then he saw floating cities being put in the ocean that would hold tens of thousands of people and that they were chosen to go in but they had to given up their privacy.

He said he saw people being hauled into massive prison camps.