Frank R Molver (30 Apr 2012)
"heads up for May"

This is a series of news articles that we may have had a heads up from
See the links below
The first one is about a strike on Iran.
A Christian friend of mine from Africa saw a vision of a US strike on Iran that first took out the Iran Air force and radar
Then the Nuke sites were attacked.
Russia seems ready to take advantage of that too.
They have a huge troop build up on Iran's border ready by June
A special fleet of US stealth planes have been sent to do that.
There is also some old aircraft carriers in the gulf that might be expendable to a future dictatorship
China has supplied Iran with that technology to fascilitate that
A Christian friend from Honk Kong had a vision re what appears to be a tower in Chicago
There is a UN meeting in Chicago around May 22
There is unusual preperations re that
There will be retaliation if Iran  is dealt with.
Please see these articles below
Russian is massing troops on Iran border for attack by west
a special exercise ordered by President Barack Obama to simulate reactions to a potential US/Israel strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities, debkafile reports. Advanced US stealth F-22 fighter bombers were also transferred to the Al Dhafra Air Base in the UAE. Washington is thinking of attacking core elements of Iran’s nuclear program to weaken its hand in negotiations.
According to our sources, the F-22 jets will join the F-15s of the Massachusetts Air National Guard’s 104th Fighter Wing which were transferred to the Al Udeid base a month ago.

Their mission will be to destroy the Iranian air force and air defense batteries so as to clear the way for US and Israeli bombers to go into action against Iran’s nuclear sites and the strategic infrastructure of its army and Revolutionary Guards Corps.

U.S. deploys fleet of sophisticated stealth planes to air base in SW Asia

Operation Red Zone leaves Chicago officials red faced when public discovers the truth about NATO summit
Milwaukee Red Cross Told To Prep For Chicago Evacuation During NATO Summit
Blackhawks Circle Low Through Chicago Skies as Secret Service Releases Security Details