DP (3 Apr 2012)

Doves, my daughter Brittany age 22, is mentioned as ''missing'' on Marilyn Agee's last post on her web site/main page. She is no longer missing, but continues her self-destructive lifestyle. So I am forwarding an update I sent to a good friend....see below.......and I ask that all who felt led to intercede for Brittany and our family please do so.........it has been a very long trial with this behavior going on now for 5 years. Pray that there will be a breakthrough in this situation. My email is below if any want to email me.
God bless you all,

Date: Mon, 2 Apr 2012 04:36:01 -0500
please pardon spelling etc.
June, thought i would give u an update on brittany....
recently on sat, bev and i drove temple to meet april and her husband for a supper to celebrate aprils bday on 4-1-12. we had planned this, and had asked brittany to go with us......she agreed and then backed out at the last minute. on the way back home brittany called my wife seemingly very upset........so we went by her apt when we got back to austin...........bev was apprehensive about it........so i knocked on her door.....it was open so i walked in to see if she was ok..........she went into a tyrade...cussing and telling me to get out........bev then knocked on the door and she continued her tirade.........she must have called her boyfriend>? named lamont..........he called me cussing and threatening...........at which time i called the police........the lady police officer went to b's apt and spoke with her. it all then ended.
b was very upset , telling bev, 'you are drawing attention to my apt'' in the midst of her cussing.........so i am thinking her apt is being used to sell drugs from and./ or prostitution again by brittany with ''lamont'' involved in one or both..............but it does not look good in the ''natural''............so once again my dear friend i ask for your intercessory prayers for brittany and for bev and i.........once again i have to fight depression.......but continue to pray and command in the name of Jesus.
thanks for listening again and God bless,