Deborah W (24 Apr 2012)
"Response to Nicole and to all Doves re Increase in Sexual Sin"

Dear Doves,

Greetings to all!  

I wanted to share something the Lord showed me last week regarding sexual sin increasing.  I have the Drudge report as my home page on my computer, so I keep pretty well abreast of the news.  I noticed a HUGE increase in sexual sin last week.  The Lord was showing me many things.  First was the secret service scandal.  It was a headline and in large letters for several days.  Then, at the same time there was an ad for senior citizens and safe sex.  Apparently in Florida, there is a huge problem with senior citizens and sexual diseases.  It wasn't so much the message, as the ad itself.  (I DO NOT recommend that you hunt it down, it is rather horrifying)  The ad showed senior citizen fully clothed, but in EXPLICIT sexual positions, the premise was, there are many ways to have sex, but only one way to do it safely.  I know that the world is full of sexual sin, but the LORD wants us to know that there was a GIANT increase of it last week.  World Net Daily reported last week also that there is a new show on HBO that has SOME people outraged regarding children and sex.  It involved a child drinking out of a phallic-shaped cup.   There were a few other things as well that I noticed in this area also.  

  One morning last week, when I was doing my hair, I was thinking that Dr. Owouor has been strangely SILENT of late.  I was also thinking of the increase in sexual sin.  I know that in the past Dr Owouor has linked flooding (in Australia and other places) with sexual sin. I was thinking that maybe we would be seeing some flooding in America because of this increase.  The Drudge report was reporting about what an embarrassment to the US this  secret service thing was going to be.  Anyway, when I came downstairs and looked at my email, I was notified that Dr. Owouor had posted a video on a prophecy.  The prophecy was regarding great flooding coming to the WORLD due to sexual sin.    I am sure that God was showing me this prior so that when I saw it, it would be confirmation to what he had been showing me.  

I wanted to comment also about what Nicole was saying about sexual sin and our children.  I have 3 sons, 12, 11 and 8.  My twelve year old has been sucked in by porn and had to have prayer for it three different times.   I have my computer in my kitchen and watch the kids like a hawk when they are on it, which isn't very often.  I began homeschooling this past year.   I screen all movies and they almost never watch network tv due to the commercials between the shows.  They are trained to look away instantly when bad things are shoved in their faces.   My point is, I am vigilant in guarding their souls.  After last week, I actually took my twelve year old aside and warned him about the increase and told him if he has any trouble to let me know.  Two of the times that he got into trouble, were by looking at things at other (Christian) friends houses/computers.  The other time was when I was having surgery, he was in the waiting room and there was a magazine with a girl in a bathing suit.  He said he kept trying not to look but it just kept sucking him in.  He said he then became very interested in girl's breasts.  He struggled with this for about 6 or 8 months before telling me.  He was so ashamed.  We just prayed, repented and cast out the spirit of pornography.  I told him it's not his fault, but just the devil and his evil plans.  I ask him from time to time, just to be sure he has not been sucked in again.  I am telling you all of this in hopes that you will see how the devil is working here.  He is AGGRESSIVELY after our children's minds!  I want to add one more thing about last week and what I saw (I hope you have not grown board and given up on reading this : )   I ordered a rated G baseball movie off of Amazon for my children.  After you place an order, Amazon always has suggestions based on your order about "other items you may be interested in".  I usually order Christian items, so they usually put suggestions like that up.  This time, they put a few baseball movie suggestions AND and EXPLICIT pornography item.  I was so SHOCKED that I ALMOST clicked on it because I couldn't believe my eyes!  I didn't click on it, but I'm sure if it were any one of my sons ordering the movie they would have clicked on it out of curiosity.  Do you see what satan is doing here and how  there is a HUGE increase in sexual sin?  If you have children or grandchildren, pray for their minds and against the constant warping that the devil it trying to do.  Pray that the devil's plans will be exposed and thwarted in regards to the minds of these children.  

PS  I am also learning that "ratings" on the newer movies cannot be trusted any longer.  They are darker and darker and only given PG or PG13 movies.  Every thing should be prayed about before watching.  

Deborah W.