Dale (9 Apr 2012)
"Charles' Vision of Flying 8 = Large Hadron Collider?"

Hi Doves,

I was thinking about Charles' post from April 2nd - he's been seeing the number 8 quite a bit. He also had a vision of "a flying 8
in the sky approaching Earth rotating as it nears."


Interesting that (3 days later) on Thursday, April 5th, a new world record was set by the Large Hadron Collider. Located 17 miles below ground between France and Switzerland, the LHC is 'flying 8' - rotating protons around, smashing them to create a collision energy of 8 TeV, breaking the previous record of 7 TeV.

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So, 3 days after Charles' vision, it seems that the Flying 8 reached Earth and went underground. Hopefully, this means we'll all be flying home soon!

Love and Maranatha!

Dale  <><