Clay Cantrell (26 Apr 2012)
"re Will Schumaker/Enoch/Pentecost/Song of Songs 2:12"

Will's interesting post here:

mentions that Enoch was born and taken on Pentecost. I believe this is Jewish tradition. 

A few years ago, after looking at day numbers and gematrias for Enoch I came to the conclusion that Enoch was born and/or taken on June 11th. That's the Bible year of 987.

going here:

you can see a list of all Bible words that have an in-text value of 611.

the verse that interested me was

Song of Solomon (Songs) 2:12
"The flowers appear on the earth, the time of singing has come, and the voice of the turtledove is heard in our land. "

Turtledove is valued at 611.

going here

that shows the word by word breakdown

using Turtledove as the target word, the running
total of gematrias down through that word =


this is the well known greek gematria of 

Jesus (888) Christ (1480)