Clay Cantrell (14 Apr 2012)
"Extraordinary Dream"

Dream of April 12, 2012

I was with two other people. A well known Hollywood celebrity who is male, and still alive. I will call him X. The other person was also a male, unknown to me, whom I didn't get a good look at.  I will call him R.

The three of us were in what appeared to be the atrium of a large corporate, modern building with walls of steel and glass. There was light coming down from  somewhere above. The atrium was a long rectangle. The windows were dark and I couldn't see anything in them but our own reflections.  There was a wide walkway that went around the entire glassed perimeter. In the middle of the atrium was a sunken area I call an arena. It was full of dirt, rocks and weeds. It's walls sloped up to the walkway edge so that one could climb out if they fell in.

X was the leader. He carried a small device in his left hand. it was white, the size of a mini-remote or maybe a timer. X was stoic and said nothing, and he took his position by a pair of large elevator doors at one end of the atrium. There he stayed the entire time.  In fact, his demeanor was more like an angel than a human. He knew things we didn't.  

R and I had a task we knew about though. we were to solve two remaining puzzles. There had been others, but they were all solved by someone(s) else. We were assigned the last two. By puzzles I don't mean kids picture puzzles. I mean prophetic puzzles or problems. I have no idea what the puzzles were, but R and I worked together. There was a clear understanding between the three of us: we had very limited time and were on a strict timetable. We had only a small amount of time left to solve the puzzles.

R and I were hindered in our efforts 2-3 times by something.  Like a person who is blown off the ground by a large explosion, R and I were picked up into the air and thrown by some force into the arena in the middle. We landed on the rocks. we were not hurt and felt literally nothing except that we were cushioned as we landed. It was more of a nuisance than a problem. I was sure this was a last ditch effort by the enemy (satan) to stop the solving of the last two puzzles, which was in vain.  We did solve them and I clearly remember sealing a white envelope when we knew they were solved.

After sealing the envelope, R and I found ourselves by one of the glassed atrium walls, in front of a narrow, 1.5 meter table about waist high. On the table was a dark metal candelabra that spanned the length of the table. there were no candles lit.  R took something from one candlestick and placed it in another. It was a small vial of Lavender oil. At that instant, I knew something I hadn't known. The vial R moved from one candlestick to another represented a person known in the Five Doves community, if you have read this site for a while. In fact, two people known on the Five Doves site came to mind.  One has already passed away and gone on to Jesus. The second person, represented by the Lavender oil vial, will not live long enough to go in the Rapture, but will see Jesus by going through death's door. This was what was meant by the moving of the vial from one location in the candelabra to another. I think it also means this person is the last of a group represented by the unlit candles of the candelabra.

When R was done, we found ourselves with X in front of the elevator doors. Stoic X was to my right and he turned his gaze toward the elevator doors and they opened! These were not ordinary elevator door but more like bank vault doors. Thick, heavy, metal. they slid apart to reveal a narrow passageway that had a few escalator-like steps that steeply ascended to a second set of doors just like the first. Through those doors I saw another set of steps that ascended to another set of doors. all of these doors opened when the first set opened, and they slid apart with a loud metal sound. Time was up, and we were leaving. this was the way out. Then X entered the passage way and I began to follow.

I then immediately found myself facing a large city street intersection, empty of traffic. late afternoon. There was a line of vehicles that I was standing at the back of. They seemed to be waiting for something.  Those were the only cars I saw. I walked to the front of the line of vehicles. There, standing by the lead vehicle, was someone I knew from the past whom I loved very much. He smiled at me.  He was tan wearing a short sleeved cotton shirt. I asked him what he was doing.  He replied with a smile, "Just waiting". What he (and the other vehicles) were waiting for was unknown (to me) but it appeared liked it might happen in that huge city intersection.  It appears that the Atrium we were in previously had been underground.

The dream ended.  

I then woke up and rehearsed the details of the dream over in my mind several times to make sure I could write it down in the morning.  As I went over the dream in my mind, I found that my mouth was wide open in amazement and awe.  I sincerely believe the dream was of God.