Charles (26 Apr 2012)
"Marylin Doves Important Verse in Response to Prayer about May 17th Possible rapture date!"

I was studying all the wonderful proofs of a possible Ascension Day Rapture. My seeing of 1:11 and my vision of the rapture being on a Thursday spured me to. Can you imagine having a rapture vision and seeing yourself saying in it I cannot believe the rapture is on a Thursday. Seriously I believe God gave me this vision because I would say that. I always wanted the rapture to be on a weekend. Any day will do just fine Lord please just find me watching and praying and worthy to escape the wrath. The fact is may 17th fits charities dream 5,6,7 Jesus also. Well I prayed in the spirit tired in the flesh truly almost horrified that I may be watching until another Rosh Hoshanna I am so tired in the flesh but eager in spirit for Jesus to save me and all who call upon His name in truth and spirit and are hoping for his rescue. I prayed for some sign some word from the holy spirit that I could hang my hat on. Rosh Hoshanna just did not fit my Thursday Vision or Charities Dream. I prayed and was led to click on a site called random bible verse. I in faith believed God would give me and us some insight some clue I have desperately been seeking. You see He already gave me the visions and dreams it was and is just a matter of where exactly they fit correctly.
Well here is the verse His Holy Spirit answered with and gave me to share.
And now I commend you to God and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all those who are sanctified    
This verse was given in response to a prayer on the validity of May 17th being the possible rapture versus the feast of Trumpets in the fall. I think its sooner rather then later guys I really do and its not just my hope!