Charles (24 Apr 2012)

I want to share with all Doves this photo of another cross the Holy Spirit had me construct out of grepevine and wood. This weekend when our weather went from 83 to 33 in a span of days I went outside after all my family was in bed. I got a prompting from the spirit about 10:30pm to go build a cross and put it in a wooded area on the main road where all could see. The original piece of wood I was going to use I could not lift. I got a sense of overwhelming awe for Jesus attoning sacrifice on our behalf and our utter weakness. Well the Holy Spirit directed me to another piece of wood i could. I used a hand saw to cut it to the right length again I got a sense of awe for Christ and His carpenter skills. Man for all my wilderness supposed skills this was the hardest piece of wood I cut. It was like fossilized stone. i finally cut it and searched my meager firewood pile for a cross piece. Then I used my knife to cut down several pieces of rogue grapevine. It was now almost 11pm. I using HS given skill I have no artistic talent wove that grapevine like I was tying a liferaft together to escape a deserted island. In essence I was. I then picked up that rugged cross of vine and wood and picture this started walking up my street at 11:00pm on a Friday evening to the end of the block. one car passed me at 55mph in a 25mph street then I faced an uphill climb. I cannot express the feeling of sadness at what Jesus endured doing this I was suffering lugging a 30 pound cross a half mile. I also felt a profound sense of joy at actually having got up off my warm couch sneeking outside using my hiking tools for Gods glory and feeling kinship with Jesus as carpenter and svaior while hopefully honoring Him as Lord. I got to the spot and planted that cross. Four days later its still there. i was missing my hat yesterday and knew where it was. I had come down with a cold but retraced that journey in the now wind and rain and found it at the foot of the cross. Funny I knew it was there all along. Today I endured the horrible snow the wind the rain and all i could do was not to retreat to my home but I got the desire or instruction to go see the cross. I saw it standing battered by wind and show and rain. I wondered if anyone even noticed it going 40mph agains its backdrop. I know its still there. Its messgae is this the cross is our only hope for weathering the coming storm. Not just a verbal professing of the attonement it offers. But a dying on that cross to this worlds vanity every day and a resurrecting to new life in spirit where we can hear and listen to the Holy Spirit and follow Jesus home. The cross is empty Christ has risen and hes coming again to get his bride. Now is the time to accept the marraige proposal and start living for your groom to come. That rugged cross is the only life raft that will get you off this perishing creation. Snow at the end of April. Something is seriuosly wrong and we need to turn from those who in the vanity of their minds make the fatal error Noahs contempararies did that all would go on just as it had before that they did not have to get aboard the ark befofre the rains came. Jesus is the ark. A cave will not save you. Get aboard the ark by picking up the cross and laying down your self on that cross. It will raise you up above the coming storm.