Charles (14 Apr 2012)
"9th largest quake of all time!"

Guys the EQ was the ninth largest. The YouTube brother who had the dream saw 99 and felt something about April 9th the number of judgement! How many more warnings? The thing is no one cares this happened 10,000 miles away might as well be the moon to most! They don't get it north Korea is going to launch this rocket between the 12th and 16th! Nations have threatened to shoot it down! My warning from the holy spirit it's all over except for the fireworks! North Korea usaunching a big one! The next super moon is the 16th! This occurred five days before. My starfish with five arms vision a five day warning? If starfish and other marine life start washing up on the coasts like the 13th it's a warning! Let those who. An hear hear! The rocket launch window from the 12th to the 16th! Guys I am seeing 111 everywhere I have to believe its refering to acts 1:11 11Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. It's a pointing to ascension day Thursday ( my vision the rapture occurs on a Thursday) may 17th! It also fits 5,6,7 Jesus! The eights everywhere EQs may 18th? It's like all the pieces seen through the veil are starting to fit closer together! I was warned last night saw eights everywhere posted here then woke up to an 8.8 the ninth largest quake and you saw it live! I am just the mailman.