Charles (11 Apr 2012)
"The message they dont want to hear its not my message lets be clear"

If they hear my word they will hear you. I did not chose to be a watchman I have just tried to be faithful and warn what I hear. For some reason I could not send a message for over a week. I have been personally attacked and also convicted more then ever Jesus is the only hope we have and we have to try to flee to Him and cling to Him and follow Him washing in his Blood our feet every day. The message that the rapture and judgement is here is not mine. The signs are plainly eveident for those with eyes to see and ears to hear. Those who see with the worlds eyes only see a natural crisis to overcome there is nothing natural that we can overcome. WE can onlt overcome through following Jesus seeking however feeble our attempts to crucify ourselves to this world so we can walk in the light of His Truth its the only refuge that we have. I am not worthy to be on Doves I just crave deperately the chance to bear fruit to warn and stand with Jesus. There is a array in China go check out 2010the countdowns channel on youtube the New Improved HARP. Remember my vision of the rotating eights. Look at the picture eights all around the pattern. The collider eights. The numbers 111 I was shown correspond to Acts 1:11 do they point to a rapture on Ascencion Day May 17th? 5,6,7, Jesus my dream the rapture is on a Thursday could be after midnight second or third watch. If we are not gone by the end of unleavended bread I strongly feel its the only date left that ties into everything. I have receieved a strong warning from the Holy Spirit about 4:11 something is going to occur that is monumental tommorow or today. I do not know what but its bad. Could it be the North Korea Missle Launch. Also look out for an earthquake on April 16th and again beaching of starfish possibly on the 13th. I pray that the Lord has mercy on all those who are seeking Him diligently. Jesus is the pearl of great price really nothing else is going to matter. I really hope this email gets through. Its all about the eightsd and the eights are Jesus. The numbers 111 point to Acts 1:11 and Ascension day. Jays post on pool number 4 could this be wormwood? Truly all God has to do is kick the table leg we are hanging by a thread of grace so a few more may be saved and it truly horrifies me the world is just going on lalala and does not want to get a clue. The clue is the only thing that saves. Jesus words are true and the world is all a illusion that seems real while jesus is real and to the world seems an Illusion. Wow I just had another vision typing eights again multiple eights raining down from the sky whirling like the helicopters from the oak trees falling to the ground. I see eights everywhere in the sky. On a crazy note about silly signs and how the Holy Spirit works I had been seeing signs about 4:11 all day and ignoring them. I did not think I could get an email through to warn anyone anyway. I agreed to watch a spongebob episode with my son and well spongebob was wasting mustard and mr krabs calulated that because of that he would be broke in 411 years. Seriously who could I tell.