Chance (17 Apr 2012)
"To Tina Abrams and Frank Molver and anyone else who read my doves letter"

Hello Tina and Frank,
Wow...BIG typo.  Thank you for catching that Tina....yes, it should have been 2012 at the end of my letter...otherwise my letter doesn't make any sense!  Thank you.
I came across (on the RITA site) Stan Deyo's dream/vision from April 3, 2012...the title is 'The Time of the Gentiles Is Finished' - that's exactly what I saw popup on my computer.  My date of the popup was April 12, 2012...wonder if this is a heads up that it's about to happen....or it has just happened?  Stan saw a grandfather's clock whose pendulum had stopped..then he opened the clock door and it started again...I believe that's why he has this for his title, plus the vision takes place in Israel - it's a very interesting dream/vision.
Anyone else seeing this title other places?