Cathy D (14 Apr 2012)
"Mega-Quake – Rapture – Thermonuclear War"

Time to BE Ready
Time to STAY Ready

Well praise Jesus I guess the “cat’s got my tongue”.  It appears like we will be leaving any time now.  I praise God that over the years I have woven disclaimers into the articles admitting we can’t be certain of God’s timing.  And indeed our Heavenly Father may still “tarry” … but it sure doesn’t look that way right now.

Right now, it appears the prophecies, dreams, visions, of SO MANY of God’s people, over decades of time, are going to unfold any moment.

The BEST part is that the Lord evidently revealed to some of these folks that the “Rescue Mission” (e.g. rapture of the Bride) will be happening soon after the Mega-Earthquake(s) occur.  GLORY TO GOD!

(please go to the above link for the rest of the article)

God bless you John & Doves!