Bruce Warner (26 Apr 2012)
"TO: Gino RE: Your Post to me (25 Apr 2012) Gog-Magog Wars"

Hi Gino,
Actually the first Gog-Magog War is the "shortened tribulation of those days" in Israel "Immediately after" which the rapture happens (Matt 24:29). Most people do not understand that the first Gog-Magog War in Israel will occur before the rapture of the Church. That explains Revelation 7:14 where the Church/bride "comes out" of the (time of)  the great tribulation of Israel before it spreads to the whole world. That is why Luke 21 says when we see these things happening to "look up and lift up your heads because your redemption draws near".
The people who believe that there is nothing required to take place before the rapture occurs are 100% wrong. Scripture tells us that the first Gog-Magog War great tribulation of Israel must come before the rapture because we are raptured "Immediately after the tribulation of those days" in Israel (Matt 24:29). They don't believe the Scripture, but they will be very surprised when they are proven wrong. That is our 'sign' that we are given to watch for: "When you see these things happening......look up and lift up your heads...your redemption draws near."
YBIC, Bruce Warner