Bruce Warner (24 Apr 2012)

Dear Doves,
You can believe the following Scripture as the absolute Gospel Truth!
Mark 13:23
"But take heed; see, I have TOLD YOU ALL THINGS beforehand."
When you understand ALL of what the Scriptures tell us about the rapture, THEN you will know the year and the month the rapture occurs. You will also then know within two days of when the rapture happens. We are not told what hour of the day it occurs. Of that we can only guess. Jesus resurrected during the 'first watch' of the night soon after sunset on the Saturday Sabbath  which was then "early" Firstfruits Sunday Nisan 17. I do expect the 'first trumpet sound' to resurrect the dead in Christ durung the 'first watch' of the night, and then the 'last trumpet sound' to change the mortal to immortal at the end of the 'second watch' about midnight Jerusalem time on the day of our rapture.
I believe what we are told that we are given ALL the clues beforehand in the Scriptures to show us THE DAY of our rapture just as we are told in Mark 13:23.
I also believe the following Scripture as the absolute Gospel truth!
1 Thessalonians 5:4
"But you, brethren, are NOT IN DARKNESS, so that THIS DAY (the day of our rapture) should overtake you as a thief."
I believe that we are given ALLthe clues in the Scriptures as to when "THIS DAY" is so we don't have to guess any more. I believe that the Scriptural clues ALL point to one particular year, and one particular month, and one particular day. I believe that it is "THIS DAY'.
The day of our rapture  ------------- |------------The forty-two month (1,260 day) ------------|-------------The day of the       
is the day that the                                     authority of the anti-Christ on                             Second Coming
Restrainer is taken out                              earth beginning the day after                             of the Lord which
of the way which releases                        the day of the rapture                                         is the end of the
the anti-Christ, and Satan is                                                                                                 anti-Christ's authority                                                                  
cast down which allows                                                                                                       
the anti-Christ to receive
his power from Satan
Therefore,  "THIS DAY" of our rapture is 1,260 days before the Second Coming of the Lord. Now all you have to do is identify the dates which are 1,260 days apart.
Come Lord Jesus!
Bruce Warner