Bob Anderson (20 Apr 2012)
"Jill Hart (17 Apr 2012)  "Oh Gary Where to begin""

if you REALLY want to be shocked, find a Mormon hymnal. You will see the scores of Christian hymns irrevocably polluted with Mormon doctrine. You will see heresy in high gear, and it's easy to spot because you're familiar with the music and familiar with the Christian words.

"We thank you, Lord, FOR JOSEPH SMITH ..." springs to mind.

It goes on to praise Smith as a co-creator with God!

I might add that there are one or two closet 7th Day Adventists posting to 5Doves. That's OK with me, I regard them as being within the pale of Christianity, and they return the favor, conceding that i (we) are within the same, but they should do the thing they never, ever do ... IDENTIFY THEMSELVES FROM THE OUTSET!

Their presenters are HIGHLY trained; they are all very, very effective. I've sat through three or four of their multi-sessioned prophecy seminars. I'm grateful I went. They forced me a solitary spate of historical scholarship to defend my/our beliefs.

