Bill Griese (26 Apr 2012)
"Reply to Ola Ilori"

Reply to Ola Ilori


I also am now looking at Obama's Inauguration as a possible "covenant with the many" and have noticed that a 1260 day count puts the Abomination of Desolation in early July. Well, guess who has preparations going on right now for a Presidential visit to Israel in July?

DEBKA, Mar 9, 2012: "... preparations for a presidential visit to Israel are already in train in Washington and Jerusalem."

"Obama and Netanyahu have agreed to meet again in July. They haven’t fixed a venue, which makes it possible that Obama will decide to pay his first visit to Israel as US President rather than again hosting Netanyahu in Washington.
This plan is still in the air.
However, preparations for a presidential visit to Israel are already in train in Washington and Jerusalem.
It will also depend on what happens in the Middle East between now and July – especially in Syria and Lebanon. While in the Middle East, Obama will want to make calls on other regional capitals and reap rewards from his active contribution to the Arab Spring.
He might find it also expedient to call on the royal rulers of Saudi Arabia and at least one Gulf emirate.
DEBKA-Net-Weekly’s sources emphasize that this plan is not final, and may be dropped at any time."


Bill Griese