Arlene (3 Apr 2012)
"For Elaine Shealy....on the Book of Enoch"

Hi Elaine...Many are arguing about the Book of Enoch being "canon."  Personally, I don't care if it is declared to be or not.  My question is always, "Does it clarify the scriptures as a whole?"  And my answer to that is "Absolutely!!"  Without this book, it's very difficult to research the meaning of Genesis 6.  And, since Jesus, Himself, tells us the end times will be "as in the days of Noah," we have to do research on WHY.

I have read other versions of this book, but I find the language and the way it is written to be more soothing in the R.H. Charles Oxford version.  For those who would say that the Book of Enoch is "evil" or not to be read.....did you read it???  Or have you just listened to other men's opinions on it?  The first verses of it tells that it is written just for the people who will be in the time of the Tribulation.  That's us, gang!!!

Well, determine for yoursel! f what you think.  Here is a very good link.  And, if anyone can tell me how it disagrees with Scripture in the "canon", please fill me in.  Does it help in understanding the bible?  Or does it take away from bible be the judge.

Good going, Elaine!!  You have done exactly research and ask questions.  Find out for yourself.....

Agape love,
