Anonymous (7 Apr 2012)
"Obama Was In The Wrong Place At The Wrong Time -- Westminster Abbey Revisited"

When Obama visited Westminster Abbey on May 24, 2011 and signed the guest book, he "erroneously" dated it:  24 May 2008.
That is a difference of 3 years.  Let's look at this as a possible Scriptural reference.
3-year difference:  Leviticus (3rd book of the Bible)
May 24 (5/24):  was the correct day and there is no Leviticus 5:24
2008:  was the wrong year but there is a Leviticus 20:8
Leviticus 20:8 -- And ye shall keep my statutes, and do them: I am the LORD which sanctify you.
Remember, this was done in Westminster Abbey (a holy place in England and Europe)
Here are some more interesting tidbits:
The 524th word in the Bible is:  CATTLE (Genesis 1:24)
The 2008th word in the Bible is:  ALL (Genesis 3:20)
Doesn't Obama's signature look like:  the finger of "Barack" pointing to the "globe" of Obama?
-- Anonymous Dove