Alan T (11 Apr 2012)
"Mike W Re: Reply for Bruce W ( Apr 9 , 2012)"

Loved your response post, Mike

It is difficult to convince ( train) someone to turn all they have ever learned and know about the word upside down and accept a new concept of perceiving the bible.
I have come to the point that we can still fellowship and share, but we will always be the redheaded stepchild that must stifle this knowledge which bringeth contention around some people, and share it with the ones who are perhaps younger and less doctrinally entrenched ( no offense, brothers and sisters)
This game of ping pong doctrine wars is an old song that can not continue to play indefinitely without being considered as "endless strifes".
I appreciate Bruce, M Agee, and others of differing views, but does one-upping each other really edify or satisfy? or does it make us embittered against one another? I love growing through iron sharpening iron with one another, but pressing peoples" turbo" button like a blender to rile them up by pressing  issues like some type of Castle Age " attack" button mentality just seems like exercising futility  at times. I have been guilty of this and leave it alone now. You good people do it so well with love and civility, but is it getting anywhere?
I hope you come to reconcile or relent on this most dividing of issues..
Many Blessings All

Alan T