Susan Waigwa (21 Apr 2011)
"Dr. Owuor - The Rapture of the Dead in Christ"

From Dr. Owuor’s website


How It Will Take Place
November 26, 2006 Vision Of The Lord

When the Lord repeatedly speaks, again and again, regarding an event, it normally implies an extreme state of urgency prevailing in his heart about that matter. At the time when Israel was in Egypt, Joseph unveiled this matter of repeated conversations with the Lord (Genesis 41:32). For the church also, a repeated conversation by the Lord God on one item often underscores the gravity and urgency of that matter to the Lord God. Accordingly, the Lord has spoken about the rapture in several forms including the weddings rings in the sky, the Clock of God in the sky, the white glorious horse in the sky, and the mighty Voice that spoke on the January 7, 2008 saying,

“The advent of
Christ is near.”

Much as it is a lot of love directed to the church, it also is lot of responsibility to not only prepare but also evangelize the unreached so they too may see the Kingdom of God.
On November 26, 2006, while in a mighty repentance meeting at Kehancha, the Lord lifted me up above the earth, and I saw the visions of the Lord. In that vision I saw what appeared to be an earthquake befall the earth only to comprehend that in actual fact people in their glorious bodies were being pulled from their graves by the mighty glory of the Lord. As the glory of the Lord pulled them, the awe-inspiring Voice of the Lord said,

“Look and see how many of the asleep in the dust of the earth are caught up in the rapture.”

When I looked, I saw people in their glorious bodies being pulled by the incredible glory of the Lord that had saturated the skies. And they were caught up with the Lord, being raptured into heaven (1 Thessalonians 4:13-17).
There is a message that the Lord of Hosts is presenting to the church based on this vision of the rapture of the dead. I quickly recognised that this was the same vision the Lord had staged to Daniel, the Prophet of God Almighty (Daniel 12:2-3). However, in that vision, Daniel had seen those who were wise, shining like the brightness of the heavens while those who led many into the righteousness (salvation) of the Lord, shone with the brilliance of the stars forever and ever. The wise that Daniel talks about here, is a message embedded within this vision and directed to today’s church of Christ. The wise are those who live in the fear of the Lord since it is the beginning of all wisdom (Proverbs 9:10; Proverbs 1:7).
It is a call to return to the fear of the Lord, a call that the Lord is directing to the church today. Indeed, today’s church has totally lost the fear of the Lord to the extent that they are not any more awed at his mighty Name. Moreover, the fact that those who led many into the righteousness of the Lord, exuded the radiance of the stars, implies that God is calling on this church of today, to evangelize the holy Jesus of Nazareth so that many people may attain the holiness of the Lord. Only the salvation of the Lord will permit the saints into the wedding of the Lamb of God. It is a vivid presentation of the events at the judgment seat of Christ, the white throne of judgement in which the different raptured christian will be rewarded differently (Revelations 22:12). The inevitable questions that rock one’s heart out of this vision is, has the church lived under the fear of the Lord? Has this church led many people into the righteousness of the Lord?
Following the practices of the church today, it is true that she may have even led the heathen away from Christ. The corruption and the immorality being displayed in today’s church in the public will most definitely not attract other religions and the heathen to Christ. The blatant deception displayed on christian television in which right from the onset, the faces of the preachers right away tell that there is a lie being manufactured. This does not auger well to endtime evangelism and poses a very serious challenge to the church of Christ. The challenge is as to whether she will make it into the wedding of the Lamb.


Susan Waigwa (South Africa)