Steven S (28 Apr 2011)
"UK to send converts from Islam to Christianity back to Afghanistan despite fears that they'll be killed"


UK to send converts from Islam to Christianity back to Afghanistan despite fears that they'll be killed

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Wednesday, April 27, 2011 09:23
It is stories like this that make the smooth deceptions of Muslim spokesmen such as Salam al-Marayati, M. Cherif Bassiouni, and Ali Eteraz so dangerous. They assure us that Islam has no death penalty for apostasy, despite Muhammad's words, "Whoever changed his Islamic religion, then kill him." Credulous officials, like these British authorities, believe these deceivers and others like them, and people like Ahmed Faizi end up getting killed for their credulity.
"Afghan Christians to be deported despite death fears," by Sam Jones in the Guardian, April 26 (thanks to International Christian Concern):
Two Afghan asylum seekers, who say they fear they will be killed for being Christian if they are returned home, are to be deported to Kabulon Wednesday.
Ahmed Faizi, 29, has been on a hunger strike at the Harmondsworth immigration removal centre near Heathrow for six days.
According to friends, Faizi – who has a cross tattooed on his right arm – is convinced that he will be killed if forced to return to Afghanistan. He told a friend: "If the Taliban don't execute me for being a Christian, my family will."
His friend said that Faizi was physically weak and worried that the recent burning of a Koran in the US would make Afghanistan even more hostile to Christian converts.
"He told me that if he goes back, people will kill him and it's much better if he dies here."
His fellow deportee, Ali Hussani, expressed similar fears. "They will kill me for being Christian," he said. "There are only Muslims there."...


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