Steven S (27 Apr 2011)
"Video: Bill Cloud with a thought provoking and inspiring message about the tricks of the enemy"

To Doves,
I have a video posted on my site by Bill Cloud
Many I have shared this Video message with have commented on how much they enjoyed this Video.
I pray it will bless you too!
Please cut and paste or click on the link to watch this Video
El Shaddai Ministries welcomed Bill Cloud with a thought provoking and inspiring message about the tricks of the enemy, mixing of good and evil and the hope we have in Yeshua.

Bill Cloud was raised in a traditional Christian home in South Georgia. Yet, he has only been truly interested in his faith since the fall of 1988. After being born again, Bill immediately developed a hunger for the Word of God and in particular the Hebraic perspective of the Bible.Shortly after his "born again" experience, Bill had the opportunity to visit Israel and participate in a celebration of the Feast of Tabernacles.

option 1
option 2


Jesus is coming soon!

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