Sabrina (28 Apr 2011)
"I Am Coming! Part LVIII (58)"


Dear Friends of Christ:


This is Part LVIII (58) of a series (links of previous messages below) of messages from the LORD JESUS to be put out to warn the world of the lateness of the hour. The LORD JESUS brought us together for the purpose of sharing HIS end time messages (Sabrina is from Belgium and Susan is from the U.S.).  The series of messages were dictated to us (and other people as well).   If you prefer to receive the letters in your e-mail, please let us know, we are happy to add you to our e-mail list. 


We would also like to personally thank all those people who volunteer their time to translating letters; translating and answering messages; and for all the other extraordinary talents volunteered for putting out the LORD’s magnificent words and messages in various formats and mediums.  May the LORD bless your comings and goings!


As the world is focused on a royal wedding about to take place and while the world is buzzing about the invitations sent for this event, this letter contains an invitation to a Wedding Supper Event hosted by our GOD of the Universe for HIS ONLY SON, JESUS, WHO is about to come to earth for HIS beloved bride.  Everyone around the world is invited to attend this event.  NO name on earth is left off the invitation list to this glorious event.  Will you accept the invitation to the greatest event ever celebrated?  Do not hesitate, as this invitation has a time limit and soon the Marriage Supper will take place.  This celebration is eternal.  Your presence is requested.  Will you say, “YES?” 




Shout HIS NAME on the rooftops!


Your friends in Christ,


Susan & Sabrina


Note:  Our friend Buddy Baker has had almost daily visions recently (he started last June only receiving them once every couple weeks and now they come almost daily) and if you want to receive this updated list of his past visions by email request for them at  for current updates from time to time—since the visions are coming on a regular basis, drop us an email.



Letter from the LORD JESUS recorded by Sabrina, April 26, 2011:


The end time is really here.  These are the last days.  Those who have given attention to MY Words know this.  I love all of your hearts, but I also know that very many are not ready and will yet be left behind when I come for MY bride.

Many warnings have now been given.  I, God, have given everyone the time and opportunity to repent and listen to MY Words and warnings.  Therefore say not when the great tribulation comes: “What happens to us?”


I have given you warning upon warning by MY prophets and servants.  They have been faithful to write down MY Words.  Blessed are those who hear MY Words!  Blessed are those who understand the call of MY SPIRIT!

MY SPIRIT lives in every one of you who are MY children.  NOW is the time to heed HIS VOICE.  NOW is the time to cease from all worldly and your own plans, hopes, and achievements.  


Your only hope is ME.  I AM is your only hope in this corrupt world.  Therefore come to ME all MY children and hope on your GOD.  I AM alone can fulfill and save you.

Tell the good news to the people around you.  Tell them of MY LOVE and SACRIFICE and RESCUE plan for eternal life with ME.  I AM eternal life.  I have the eternal life.  I have the keys of MY KINGDOM and the keys of satan's kingdom.


I AM have all power over heaven, hell, and earth.  I have overcome the satan.  I have overcome the death.  Therefore tell people about MY RESCUE plan and MY Love for them, so that they can have eternal life with ME.

Behold, the time is short.  MY judgments described in MY WORD, MY HOLY WORD, will all soon be fulfilled.  I will soon release MY angels so they can fulfill MY WORD.


Time is short.  There is no more time for you to engage in this world.  She is full of corruption and idolatry and a stench in MY FACE.  Therefore be Holy as your GOD is Holy and live after MY WORD.

Letter from THE FATHER, April 26, 2011 (continuation):


I have given you MY WORD so it would go well with you, after spirit, soul, and body.  MY WORD is the perfect answer to all your ailments and diseases, mental and physical diseases.

You are mentally ill if you run after the world and are dragged into her web.  I call it a web, because she does not let go of you anymore, she keeps you trapped in spirit, soul, and body.  Therefore, many are bound to and in this world, and they are depending on her.


MY WORD says: Whoever the Son has set free, will be free indeed.  MY SON was referring to this world: free from any form of slavery and bondage.  For this is her goal, to bind you to her, so you lose any form of freedom in ME.

I have made
​​you a light in this world, so you would be different.  Who dares to show he is different?  Who dares to testify of MY Love?  Who dares to say to this world that I AM is the only GOD, REDEEMER, SAVIOUR in his or her life?


Who, O’ who?

If you are not ashamed for MY Words, I will not be ashamed when I send MY SON.  Dare to trust on ME, MY children.  Trust in ME in everything!

I AM GOD!  CREATOR MAKER of heaven and earth.  Without ME there was and is no existence on this earth.  Without ME there was and is no existence in this universe.  I AM have created it all.


So come to ME, MY children, and become part of the biggest, most spectacular feast of all time: THE WEDDING FEAST OF MY SON with HIS bride.  A bride set apart in this time, pure and clean and without stain, spot, and wrinkle. That is the bride for MY SON.

I will soon give the signal for MY SON to fetch HIS bride.  The time is coming.  Be obedient to MY WORD, MY children, this is for your good.  I know why I have given MY WORD.  So investigate it and live after it.

This is your FATHER GOD from heaven, be ready and live pure, the time is short.



Matthew 24:21 (KJV): For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be.


Revelation 2:21-22 (KJV): And I gave her space to repent of her fornication; and she repented not. 22Behold, I will cast her into a bed, and them that commit adultery with her into great tribulation, except they repent of their deeds.


Revelation 1:17-18 (KJV): 17And when I saw him, I fell at his feet as dead. And he laid his right hand upon me, saying unto me, Fear not; I am the first and the last: 18I am he that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive for evermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death.


1 Peter 1:15-16 (KJV): 15But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation; 16Because it is written, Be ye holy; for I am holy.


John 8:36 (KJV): If the Son therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free indeed.


Luke 9:26 (KJV): For whosoever shall be ashamed of me and of my words, of him shall the Son of man be ashamed, when he shall come in his own glory, and in his Father's, and of the holy angels.


Revelation 19:7 (KJV): Let us be glad and rejoice, and give honour to him: for the marriage of the Lamb is come, and his wife hath made herself ready.



Letter 104 Dictated by our LORD JESUS to Susan on April 25, 2011


Yes Daughter, you may take MY Letter.  Susan, write these words down:


The day is coming when MY Grace will be over, MY Great Grace.  The people don’t understand that the Age of Grace is about over.  The hard tribulation will begin.  The people think I am a GOD WHO is either nonexistent or not watching what they do and how they behave. 


I am a HOLY GOD and I have tolerated about enough from this evil generation, this exceedingly evil generation.  You must believe that I, GOD, am not paying attention or that I am not even existing.  This evil on the earth is only beginning.  The world has never known true tribulation.  It has seen a lot of tribulation, but not what is yet coming…


MY children, this should ignite your fears, your senses.  It should send you to MY Arms for safety.  I am the ONE True Route.  No other exists.  Please believe MY Words.  I am true to MY Words.  MY Words are a lamp unto your feet.  MY Words are truth, life, and freedom.  Do not discount these precious Words coming from your One True SAVIOR.  I am HE and I am coming to save you.  Do not doubt. 


Put your faith in ME, JESUS.  I am the LIGHT.  All others are dim representations of truth and salvation.  Many do not want MY Salvation, MY Words, MY Truth.  They wait on it or reject it completely.  MY children, come in from the storm now.  If you wait and reject ME now, you will have waited too long.  The time is running out to assure your place in MY Kingdom, during the worst rampage on earth, in all human history. 


Waiting will prove to be fatal.  If you are frightened by these words than turn to ME now and allow ME to calm your fears, because I can take you to safety away from the fear and fright to come.  It will be horrible.  I won’t mince words or withhold truth.  The hour of great destruction and sadness lies ahead and it is closing in.  Soon your chance to escape will be lost, forever lost.  Once lost, all hope will be gone.  You will be left to face the worst, MY enemy, his dealings and MY Wrath—a powerful combination of destruction and hopelessness. 


Turn, Turn, Turn.  Come back to ME.  I will take you back.  I will save you.  I will return you to your past and help you to recover what was a lost, your true self.  I am waiting.  Soon, the time is up.  Don’t doubt.


Words received from the LORD JESUS April 26, 2011


Daughter these are MY Words.  Write them down.


This world is growing dark.  Can you not feel it, MY children?  I, your LORD, want you to find MY Truth.  This Truth is in MY Word, MY Holy Word.  There is no other Truth, MY children.  Now is the time to find ME.  I come forward to bring you this Truth.  MY Truth is easy to get to.  Soon it will not be easy.  Soon you will desire for MY Words and they won’t be found.  This will be the outcome for those left to face the worst in a world gone mad, completely mad. 


MY enemy is ruthless.  He will kill and destroy and his reasoning will not matter.  He will destroy all truth and righteousness.  This is his goal to kill and destroy all evidence of GOD, to vanquish GOD: MY ways, MY people, MY truth.  This is the plan of the enemy.  You see it coming.  Come in from the storm, be safe from the enemy.


MY children, this is your LORD speaking.  Make no mistake, MY enemy is vicious.  He will not spare anyone…he comes to kill and destroy.  Pray to be spared from his madness, for this evil hour ahead.  You can run into MY Arms.  I have them open wide, for a time.  I will leave them open for only a short while longer.  Then I must leave those who refuse to believe and seek ME.


Turn to ME, Turn to ME NOW.  The hour is coming where Truth will not be heard and those carrying Truth will not be spared.  So make the most of this grace period.  Because soon, MY Words will dry up and be hard to find.  The enemy will destroy Truth and those who bear MY Truth.


Pray that you may be spared from the coming hour of madness and that you may be found worthy to come with MY spotless bride out to safety. 


“How,” you say? 


Repent of your sin, evil against a Holy GOD. 


Wash your robes in MY Blood. 


Receive MY Salvation and MY HOLY SPIRIT in full measure and then go out and share with others your decision to follow ME.


I am a Holy, Just GOD.  MY Kingdom is a wonderful bountiful place.  It can be your home away from soon-coming evil. 


These are MY Words.  Don’t doubt.  Come to your senses.  Seek your LORD.  See the times you are living in.  Stay focused on ME.  Time is of the essence. 


You MUST SEEK ME NOW!  Do not put it off. 


MY Words are true.  Come to ME. 





Psalm 119:105 (KJV): Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.


John 10:10 (KJV): The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.


2 Peter 3:14 (KJV): Wherefore, beloved, seeing that ye look for such things, be diligent that ye may be found of him in peace, without spot, and blameless.



Please request by email my testimony on how I encounter lucifer and defeated him in the Mighty name of Jesus Christ, my Commander-in-Chief. I was instructed by the Holy Spirit to share it with everyone and to shame the devil.  The glory, honor, and power be given unto the Lord Jesus Christ forever and ever.  I advise everyone to consider praying seriously before reading the testimony.
I am sure that many people suffer from satanic attacks and this testimony will encourage many to face him and deliver serious blows against him. I have included also at the end two rapture visions I received from the Lord.
I am also persuaded that the Lord JESUS Christ will heal many through this powerful testimony.  Please translate and distribute to your e-mails lists and share on any web site as you wish for freely I received and freely I give.
Any one desiring to contact me can do so through this e-mail address:
God bless you
Brother Augusto Maquengo


(The testimony is too long to post, but please email Brother Augusto for this)