Roseann (30 Apr 2011)
"911 and 1111"

Dear John and Doves,
I am sorry if you have seen this before, but wanted to bring it up if it has not been yet.  Every month this year has a 911 and an 1111 in it.  I'm not sure what it means, but felt like the Lord would not let me rest until I brought it up.
3/09/11  Ash Wednesday
5/09/11  Israel Memorial Day
6/09/11  2nd day of Pentecost (Shavout)
8/09/11  Tish'a B'Av (Day of Mourning and Fasting)
9/09/11  10th Anniversary of 911
11/11/11 Veterans Day
When I look back to those dates with regard to at least earthquakes, this is what I came up with from the USGS website.
1/09/11  6.6   Vanuatu
1/11/11  5.7   Taiwan
2/11/11  6.8   Chile
3/09/11  7.2   Japan
             6.5   Papua New Guinea
3/11/11  9.0   Japan
4/11/11  6.6  Japan
Does anyone else see anything?
Thanks John for everything you do to keep us focused,