Ola Ilori (28 Apr 2011)
"Re:Matthew Park"

Hi Mark,
Your vision confirms to me that 2 to 3 hours, after the Rapture, on the 20th of May 2011, Nuclear missiles are going to be launched from somewhere around the World!
Gooner's dream, which lines up perfectly with my studies, puts the Rapture within a 1 hour window between 0630 AM and 0730 AM, Los Angeles Time.
That would be 0230 PM to 0330 PM, London Time.  [Where I live]
And 0430 PM to 0530 PM, Jerusalem Time.
On the 20th of May 2011 the Sun will set in Jerusalem at 0732 PM
This means 2 to 3 hours, after the Rapture, World War 3 could break out!
"For when they say, "Peace and safety!" then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labour pains upon a pregnant woman.
And they shall not escape.
"But you, brethren, are not in darkness [that is overwhelmed by sleep inducing false doctrine], so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. "
"You are all sons of light [that is, sons of mentally responsive and perceptive true doctrine.]...Therefore let us not sleep, as others do..." (1Thess.5:3-6)
Gooner is not a prophet, he's a teenager blessed with a dream, I believe is from the Lord.
Here's his dream once again, including my responses.

Posted on the internet in November 2010.
I had a dream of the rapture when I was a freshman-sophomore in high school, during the summer break. I'm now a senior and I still remember it to this day.

when I had this dream I was starting to get interested in bible prophecy, and I was immature in the rapture and related things, open to many kinds of doctrines and teachings about the end of times and the last days though I was leaning towards to the pre trib. (now i know its pre trib).

the dream started as me getting ready for school. it was early in the morning and I remember me washing my face at the sink that where I always do in real life.  
I remember going to go dry my face with the white towel that I always use in real life like I always do.
I remember in the dream that every single part of the bathroom that I had seen was extremely accurate to what is there in real life. 
I remember the wood floor I remember where things are placed and how the bathtub is shaped EVERYTHING in my dream its the same in real life. now there was a window across from where I dry my face (as also in real life and it has binds and curtain just like my dream) and seeing out the window u can see a huge view of my city, the freeway and the hills.
I'm blown away how similar it looked to now considering I live in a semi suburban and rural area with a bunch of trees and bunch of stuff outside yet so accurate. then the moment I put the towel back down, while looking at the window, I looked at the freeway and suddenly a huge and super loud SHOUT was yelled across the whole place. soooo loud yet I remember my ears can handle it like it wouldnt go deaf or something. this part im not sure but it sounded like "GET UP HERE" in a really loud yell.
in my dream, it seemed this really woke me up cuz its really early in the morning and I'm always sleepy but when I heard this shout in my dream I became wide awake and I knew this was the rapture!
The same instant the shout was made, I saw on the freeway many car crashing and many sounds of cars colliding into each other. then I felt joy and knew it was finally it, and then in the dream i remember myself running to the room where the bathroom was connected, i remember i didnt feel no fear but joy.
Again the room looks EXACTLY 110% same as in real life and as of today. the TV, the wood floor, the coffee table, the couch right behind EVERYTHING to the very exact detail was the same in my dream. 

So then I ran to the coffee table next to it, fell on my knees and bowed and I remember saying "IM READY!" or something. but all the while after the shout and while I was running and then onto my knees, I remember a looooooooong trumpet sound, it was a sustained note, didnt sound like the trumpet I hear in school band but some sort of those trumpet I hear in those movies about ancient times or something... that too was super loud and super vivid. but during this, I didnt see my body.

During all this, the morning light was bright enough (6:30am is when I start getting ready for school) so that I didnt need to use the bathroom light. 

In regular dreams, things should be distorted a little bit, I barely even remember any dream except this one.

so I remember during this part, the whole bathroom and the bedroom that is connected to it, the morning light stayed the same, it was as if in real life. the darkness and lightness of the room was completely accurate to what it looks like in real life when I get ready for school.

So I remember when I fell on my knees and the trumpet was still blowing a sustained note, couple seconds later I was immediately taken to what looked like clouds, like the earth's atmosphere but I didn't see a sky. 

I saw myself bowing on my knees in complete worship and honor to this super infinitely bright light, so bright think of the sun but heck of a lot brighter but yet my eyes didnt sting or burn, it was so bright but the color was whiter than any kind of snow on earth yet it was a colorless white but intense, but I felt overwhelmed, on my knees bowing to this light, I'm thinking this is Jesus and the bema seat? (when I had this dream, I didnt know about the bema seat of judgement btw) then I remember some kind of things going in front of me, from this light but I dont remember what it was, looks like words? I dont know, but then after that (this light wasnt too long) 

I remember briefly passing through these gates, gates of white yet so clear and yellow. and I remember passing into heaven in my dream and immediately I felt overwhelming infinite joy and peace yet I was dancing like a little kid with 0 stress, I felt alive again, so overwhelming, NOTHING ON EARTH TO COMPARE, IT WAS SO GOOD, SO AMAZING. 

I cannot describe this feeling of joy and fullness with words. while this, I remember lush green pastures, wide huge fields, super bright sky yet it was golden in color but clear, no trace of shadow, I DO NOT REMEMBER any kind of black color or shadow or some sort, the grass was brighter than the lightest kind of green u can find on earth, yet the huge flowerbed that covered it all seemed to not get hurt when I step on it yet so unimaginable. I also remember seeing some tree off in a distance with a stream flowing between me and this green pasture and the tree, I don't think it was the tree of life though. and I remember being reunited with some person up there in my dream. but then it was a time of oh my goodness....

then I was skipping like some kid in happiness, yeah I just can't describe this, but before more happened, I abruptly woke up without warning, then it was August before school starts and after my church summer retreat (which was when I was have a severe mental attack of me going to hell and that I'm not a christian and that I should bow to satan that evil one which I was struggling with cuz my LORD was JESUS) and I remember my mom cooking breakfast.... lol
and yes there were people around me as well in my dream.

In the part when I was on earth, its funny cuz everything is similar, no joke. to this day, it looks exactly as how my dream looked.

right now, its end of November or getting there and STANDARD TIME came in for Los Angeles. during Sept. and Oct. before we fell back 1 hour, the morning time where i get ready for school at 6:30 am, it was too dark to see anything without using the bathroom light but now after standard time, its bright enough and whats more, the tone or intensity of the morning light is like matching what i remember in the dream.

and since this is my senior year in high school, I'll be off to college next year [2011]. 

That would mean I would no longer get ready for school in my bathroom in my house, I'll be in the dorms. 

I also remember in my dream, when I was on my knees on the wood floor of the bedroom, that i faintly remember seeing doors on the wall next to me, I was like "huh?" cuz it was upstairs and it wouldn't make sense for that. 

But now, 2 years after the dream, we got a balcony with a door, (for those wondering which bedroom, its my mom's bedroom, yeah I get ready in her bathroom haha)

so this is crazy and considering all the things pointing to this Year [2010] or around, this is really making pay a whole lot more attention.

Now as of this date of posting, everything is set for my dream to take place, now i must watch for the shout. nobody can know for sure exactly when the rapture would take place but this is totally the year it seems.


15th December 2010.

Ola posted:
Gooner's suppose to be graduating in June 2011.

And since the rapture is suppose to occur, according to his dream, before then, we have a window of at most 6 months!

10th January 2011.

Ola posted:

Gooner, could you please tell use when you'll be returning for the next Semester?

I'm watching two Dates for the Rapture:

These are the 29th of January 2011 [24th of Kislev] and

the 20th of May 2011 [16th of Nisan which is the correct Date of the Feast of Firstfruits for this Year]

What I want to know is that will you still be in School in Spring?, Or is this coming Friday, the 14th of January 2011, the end of High School?

Gooner's reply:
no. its only 1st semester. the 2nd semester ends in June. yeah im staying, school is going to start a new semester next week.