Matt M (30 Apr 2011)
"Dr Owuor not perfect"

Dear Doves,
Dr Ouwor sounds very honest and trustworthy but its not right to say that his prophecies have always been right on. Remember his prophecy about Eifel tower where some people say its Japan he saw, and remember he said about Korea ... a ship being hit by a missile and sinking ? Well the Korea prophecy was said before the Eifel tower prophecy. And nothing ever happened in Korea. And Eifel tower some people say he saw Tokyo tower but.... remember .. God is not a God of confusion. If I am confused by what Dr Owuor says that is an alarm bell because God is not a God of confusion. He was wrong. About Korea. Come on. People please. God is not a God of confusion. If God says it happens. Remember in the Bible God told us if someone prophecies and it does not come to pass .. God told us to .."Do not be afraid of him". ENough said. Love you all friends I just want God to be true if every man else be a liar.
in Christ,