Joe Chappell (12 Apr 2011)
"Ps 109Left Behind Note"

Dear Doves,
Last weekend, I felt very strongly the Lord impress me to write some instructions for all those friends and family who may be left behind.
I typed it out, a single page, and had it laminated, ( $1.49 ) at the local office supply store.  I want it to last the full 7 years. I kept it very brief and to the point, purposely.
I plan to post it over the pool table where all my friends gather. I am sure they will wonder about me when I am missing for a few days. I got this idea, while working on my old sailboat ( a five year project. LOL ) They like to tease me about the launch date. I feel like Noah sometimes.
The note starts out with : 
                   Don't Take The Mark
You have entered into the final 7 years of our Age.  Things will get worse and worse. There will be earthquakes , famine, war, plagues, disease, disasters, etc, with increasing frequency and ferocity. There will be nowhere to hide. Meteors will strike the earth, billions will die. It will be horrible.
There will be a brief period of Anarchy , followed by the rise of a One World Government.
One Man will come to be the head of this One World Government.
He will set up his headquarters in Jerusalem.  
He will cause everyone to receive an Identification Mark. He will insist that everyone on the earth worship Him.
Do not take this Mark !! It will mean eternity in Hell for anyone who does. Choose Death Instead !!!
Die in Jesus Name, and Live Forever in Heaven !!!!
Find others who worship Jesus Christ, and join yourself with them.
I don't have the exact  note that I composed, but you get the basics.  You might like to compose your own warning and explanation of events. If anyone is interested, I will post the exact document. ( It's on my laptop )I suggest you laminate it as I did, and post it in a conspicous place.
Doves, very, very, very , Sooooon !