Jan Mikael (21 Apr 2011)
"close to a Coronation and Wedding !!!"


When Jesus on the third day, under the wedding in Canaan, started his mission , with making water to wine. - He maked New Wine on the Third Day - under the Wedding. He gave them the Best Wine, in the midle of a very special time, as a symbolic promise for the last times Greatest Event, - the caugth up to the Wedding Banquet and Coronation-feast in Heaven ! - promissed in Matthew 8: 11.v. and John 14: 1-3.v. + Daniel 7:13-14.v.
On the wedding in Canaan, it all happen so simpel, because of who Jesus He are, it was not necessary for Him to make a big number out of it, Jesus Christ have it all under control, He always follow the plan of the Almighty God's.
Could the rapture to the Wedding, and Coronation-feast in Heaven, be as simpel to, and happen on a routine day in the midle of the night, and midle of the week ???
In Matthew 8:11-12.v. Jesus tells us about that feast, and about Israel as a nation, (not the single person) but as people, standing outside the door, why ? - as nation they dont believe in Jesus as Messiah, their King, the Lion of Judah. - so this event have to happen as an eye-opener first.
Gods last call to Israel, ( Rome 11:25.v. and Act 3:19-21.v.) - and the rapture of those found ready to take home, is Two Different Events, - who follow Jesus promiss in John 1:11-13.v. and 14:1-3.v.

On the third day in creation, our Great Creator said: Let there be ligth, - and He gave us the Sun, the Moon and the stars as sign' - to give ligth and to rule over the day and night, and saw it was good, - and then seperated the Light from darkness.
Four thousend years later the Most High send us His Son, Jesus Christ, as the living word and Ligth, to save and redeem us. On the Cross on Golgatha Jesus payed the price for our sin, with his blood and life, to set us free, Jesus Christ totaly followed the Most Highs plan, read How the Allmeigthy God act, - in Isaiah 55:6-11.v.
Worship and Praise for Ever and Ever, to our Wonderful Creator, God and Saviour.
On the third day they crucifyed Jesus, - weeks later on another third day, now called accension day, He goes to Heaven, to become our High Priest on Melkizedeks way, in the Temple of God. - And our defender in the Courthouse of God, against satans accusation and lies about us. - but before Jesus Christ he goes to heaven, he told us that he would come back, and take us home - John 14: 1-3.v.
Jesus were taken to Heaven on the third day, ascension day, a silent and peaceful day. - When He goes with the clouds of Heaven, - two angels said to the people: Ye men of Gallilee, why stand gazing up into heaven ? this same Jesus which is taken up from you to heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven. act.1:11.v. - it's about the second coming !
We now live in the third, a (3) thousend year-day from Jesus Victory on Golgatha. - Its 2o11 now, a very interesting time, a lot of dates are remarkable, - let's ask the Holy Spirit for help to understand, obey, and be ready for the soon comming of our Lord and Love - Jesus Christ.
think of the Midnight-call, to the 'ten virgin's' - only five were ready and have light so they could light the Bridegroom into he's tent, the night before He came for He's Bride, and they follow Him everywhere, as He's closest friend's for ever !
Marana-tha, ybic, Jan Mikael - jami@paradis.dk

Hosea 6: 1-11.v.
6:1 Come and let us return unto Jehovah: for he hath torn, and he will heal us; he hath smitten, and he will bind us up.

6:2 After two days will he revive us; on the third day he will raise us up, and we shall live before his face;

6:3 and we shall know, -- we shall follow on to know Jehovah: his going forth is assured as the morning dawn; and he will come unto us as the rain, as the latter rain which watereth the earth.

6:4 What shall I do unto thee, Ephraim? What shall I do unto thee, Judah? For your goodness is as a morning cloud, and as the dew that early passeth away.

6:5 Therefore have I hewed [them] by the prophets; I have slain them by the words of my mouth: and my judgment goeth forth as the light.

6:6 For I delight in loving-kindness, and not sacrifice; and the knowledge of God more than burnt-offerings.

6:7 But they like Adam have transgressed the covenant: there have they dealt treacherously against me.

6:8 Gilead is a city of them that work iniquity; it is tracked with blood.

6:9 And as troops of robbers lie in wait for a man, so the company of priests murder in the way of Shechem; yea, they commit lewdness.

6:10 In the house of Israel have I seen a horrible thing: the whoredom of Ephraim is there; Israel is defiled.

6:11 Also, for thee, Judah, is a harvest appointed, when I shall turn again the captivity of my people.