Fay (11 April 2011)
"Lora Shipley"

Hi John and Doves,
Lora - your post:-
Such brilliant research. A lot to take in though. I have marked off, on the calendar, exactly which hours on which days to stay awake for. It's pretty specific. I need to read your stuff over again. Time contraints, you understand!! However - there's something about your research that commands my attention. Just as our LORD Jesus called those "hypocrites" because they did not know the time of their visitation. I feel the same way about your information. That I simply must pay close attention. I also believe that we will be given a 'wake-up' call though. Those, who are watching, will be given a ' heads-up'-  so to speak!
It is very exciting though. I know it is close. So close, we can almost touch it. I found your reasoning quite exciting. That 'the Bride' will appear to many throughout the 40 days before the wedding feast! Wow - that got my imagination going. Congratulations on a job very well done, Lora. You've obviously worked hard to divine the truth.
God Bless you, Lora and all Doves
In Jesus' Beloved Name