Diane Gilbert (14 Apr 2011)
"Susan B re Electrophysiologist"


Would your nephew, Professor Sanders, be able to recommend an Electrophysiologist who works in the vicinity of Stanford Hospital, Palo Alto, California?  My daughter is 33, bothered all-too-frequently with episodes of P.A.T.  She is a school teacher, and she may be standing on her feet, teaching class, for over an hour while she is having an episode.  I also have it, too, but it is kept under control by Metoprolol.  At my age, 68, I’m not interested in pursuing ablation, but I think my daughter should.  I live near Seattle, Washington, and if Professor Sanders could recommend an Electrophysiologist in this area, too, I’d like to consult with him.

Many thanks.


Diane Gilbert

Redmond, Washington