John Tng (16 Nov 2004)
"Part 8: Symmetries on the Bible Wheel"

Part 1: One of His Patterns
Part 2: The Number PI
Part 3: The Triune God
Part 4: Eight Intriguing Patterns (1)
Part 5: Eight Intriguing Patterns (2)
Part 6: Eight Intriguing Patterns (3)
Part 7: The Triangle, the Circle & the Square
Part 8: Symmetries on the Bible Wheel
Part 9: The Three Themes: Temple, Light & Water (1)

In the next couple of posts, I will turn my attention away from geometry and focus more on the basis and foundation of the Shaddai design. As I was preparing a post on the three themes of the 66 books of the Bible, the following beautiful pattern from Richard McGough's site,, caught my eye.

Please read Richard's wonderful discovery at to get a better idea what the above symmetries are all about. Briefly, Richard found four intriguing groupings which exhibit radial and bilateral symmetries:
Group 1
14 Pauline Epistles
Group 2
3 Synoptic Gospels
3 Epistles of John
Group 3
9 Pre-exilic OT History
9 Pre-exilic Minor Prophets
Group 4
3 Post Exilic OT History
3 Post Exilic Minor Prophets
3 Epistles to the Scattered

Immediately I was able to see 3.14 -- the value of PI, hidden in the four groupings: 3 (Triplet), 1 (Single) & 4 (Pair+Pair). This is truly amazing! It further confirms the validity of the Bible Wheel and the PI phenomenon.

Having found a PI design encoded in the Bible Wheel, naturally I was elated and went on to search for more. Lo and behold, I was able to find another PI code hidden in the 19 books outside of the four groups discovered by Richard. There is a Triplet in the 19 books -- 5 Torah books, 5 Major Prophets & 5 Wisdom books. The remaining 4 individual books form a Quartet -- Gospel of John, Acts, Jude and Revelation. All the 19 books are accounted for and the digits 3 & 4 of the PI constant have been isolated. The question is: Where do we find the digit 1 to complete the PI design? There is ONE more category in the 19 books -- the three 22nd books: Song, Acts and Revelation. In forming this group, the three 22nd books are counted twice. This was not done when the first PI design was found from the 47 books which form the 4 groups.

Is the second PI code valid in view of the difference in methodology? The answer is yes because we will encounter a similar scenario later which involves overlapping and non-overlapping patterns.

There is yet one more PI design hidden in the Bible Wheel! Look at another beautiful picture below from


Notice the three different colors Richard used to color the 7 parts of the Bible according to the radial and bilateral symmetries. Wheel 1 and Wheel 2 exhibit perfect symmetry:

Wheel 1 5 Torah
12 OT History
5 Wisdom
Wheel 2 5 Major Prophets
12 Minor Prophets
5 NT History
Wheel 3 22 Epistles

View the Third Wheel as ONE group of 22 Epistles. There are THREE pairs of groups of books in Wheel 1 and Wheel 2: 1) Torah & Major Prophets. 2) Wisdom & NT History. 3) OT History & Minor Prophets. Hence, the 66 books of the Bible may be categorized as FOUR groups -- ONE group of 22 Epistles and THREE pairs of groups of books in Wheel 1 and Wheel 2. It is conceivable that a group of FOUR with ONE-THREE division may be regarded as a PI code.

However, a more perfect PI design is possible if we further subdivide the ONE group of 22 Epistles. The 14 Pauline Epistles form ONE group. The remaining 8 Epistles may be divided into FOUR groups according to authors: James (1 book), Peter (2 books), John (4 books) and Jude (1 book). The 22 Epistles when grouped according to authors give rise to ONE group (Paul) and FOUR groups (4 Elders). Together with the THREE pairs of groups of books in Wheel 1 and Wheel 2, a perfect PI design is in view.

Lastly, the LAST EIGHT books by the 4 elders are designed with another PI code! There are THREE Epistles to the Scattered written by James and Peter. Jude wrote ONE book and John wrote FOUR books.



We managed to find FOUR PI codes in the Bible Wheel. These FOUR PI codes are subdivided into THREE codes (designs based on 66 books) and ONE code (design based on 8 books). Even the total number of PI codes conceals another PI code!

Let me end by including in this post the most spectacular example on the divine authorship of the Bible -- the Creation Holograph at It is well worth your time to study this article to fully appreciate the profundity of it. It can be seen in the Creation Holograph that there are exactly FOUR triangles divided into ONE and THREE triangles in the same manner in the examples above.

First, examine the triangles formed by the gematria of Gen 1:1 below:

The number 2701 is formed by FOUR triangles: ONE triangle at the bottom (703) and THREE triangles (3x666=1998) forming a trapezium. Do we not see a PI code here?

Next, combine the gematrias of Gen 1:1 and John 1:1.


The total gematria of Gen 1:1 and John 1:1 is ONE big triangle! In this big triangle there are THREE different triangles (666, 703 & 2701). Altogether there are FOUR different triangles (666, 703, 2701, 6328). Isn't this another PI code?

To Him be the glory!

John Tng