Gen 1:1

                                    In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.  

                               בראשׁית    ברא    אלהים    את    השׁמים    ואת    הארץ:      

                                      296    407   395     401     86      203      913


                                    Gen 50:26

                                    So Joseph died, being an hundred and ten years old: and they embalmed him, and he was put in a coffin in Egypt.

                                    וימת    יוסף     בן    מאה   ועשׂר    שׁנים    ויחנטו    אתו    ויישׂם    בארון    במצרים ׃

                                        382      259     366    407      89    400     576   46    52   156    456



Much has been written concerning the truly amazing phenomena of 37 in the first verse of the Bible. It seemed interesting that the last verse of Genesis mentions the age of Joseph as being 110 years and this figure is precisely the sum of the prime factors of the Genesis 1:1 total, 37 and 73. Moreover, the order number of composite 110 is 80 and this is the order number of prime 401, the middle and only prime value of Genesis 1:1. These facts prompted further investigation into the mathematics of Genesis 50:26 with some surprising results.


There is just one value that is common to both sets of figures and this is 407, a multiple of 37 and the first multiple of 37 to occur in both cases. The last digit 7 is the number of words in Genesis 1:1 and the sum of the first and the last digits is 11, the number of words in Genesis 50:26. It is the same word ‘et’ (Strong’s 853) in both cases but the occurrence in Genesis 1:1 is prefixed with a ‘vav’ whilst in the last verse the word is suffixed with a ‘vav’. This is interesting because in neither case are the letter strings a multiple of 37 but the sum of the letter strings is a multiple of 37 (61400 + 14006 = 75406 or 37 x 2038). The ‘407’ occurs at letter positions 22, 23 and 24 in the first verse and 28, 29 and 30 in the last. The string 282930 minus 222324 produces the figure 60606, a multiple of 37 that clusters to 666.


The two verses each contain two multiples of 37. In Genesis 1:1 these are 407 and 296 that sum to 703, the 37th triangular number. The two multiples of 37 in Genesis 50:26 are 407 and 259 and these figures sum to 666, again a triangular number. Because 666 and 703 are successive triangular numbers it follows that their sum is a square, i.e. 1369 is equal to 37 x 37.


The sum of the first values of the two verses, 913 + 456, is 1369, again equal to 37 x 37. Intriguingly, the first word value of the last verse is almost exactly half the value of the first word of the first verse: 913/2 = 456.5 and the last value of the last verse is equal to the sum of the only two even values of Genesis 1:1, the 3rd and 7th words: 382 = 86 + 296. The sum of the first and the last word values of Genesis, 913 and 382, is 1295, once again a multiple of 37. These two values computed from the first of Genesis 1:1 and the first and the last of Genesis 50:26 cluster to 370 and 296 and 296 is the order number of composite 370. This is the first instance that a multiple of 37 has an order number that is also a multiple of 37. These two numbers sum to 666.


Because the first values of the two verses add to a multiple of 37 and because they are both 3-digit numbers it follows that the strings 913456 and 456913 are also divisible by 37. The interesting thing here is that the sum of the highest prime factors of the two strings, 1543 + 233, is 1776, a multiple of 37. Even more incredible is the fact that the order number of prime 1543 is 244 and that of 233 is 52 and the sum of these order numbers 244 and 52 is 296, a multiple of 37 and the last word value of the first verse. The sum of these primes and their order numbers is 2072 that equals 7 x 296 and 296 is the 7th word value.


The difference between the first and the last word values of the last verse is a multiple of 37 (456 – 382 = 74 or 2 x 37) and this figure is equal to the sum of the letters in these first and last verses, 28 + 46 = 74.


The sum of the prime factors of the Genesis 1:1 values (11 + 83 + 7 + 29 + 2 + 43 + 401 + 5 + 79 + 11 + 37 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 37) is 751 and the sum of the prime factors of the Genesis 50:26 values (2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 19 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 13  + 2 + 2 + 13 + 2 + 23 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 3 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 5 + 5 + 89 + 11 + 37 + 2 + 3 + 61 + 7 + 37 + 2 + 191) is 566. The difference between the two sums is a multiple of 37 (751 – 566 = 185 or 5 x 37).


The highest figures in each of the prime factor series are 401 and 191 and these two figures sum to a multiple of 37 (401 + 191 = 592 or 16 x 37).


Mirror images are an important feature of Genesis 1:1 and the sum of the mirror images of the Genesis 50:26 word values 654 + 651 + 25 + 64 + 675 + 4 + 98 + 704 + 663 + 952 + 283 is 4773, a multiple of 37 that clusters to 777 (4,773 = 4 + 773).


The sum of the mirror images of the Genesis 1:1 values is 2782 and the sum of the Genesis 50:26 values 3189 minus this figure is 407, a multiple of 37 and the only common value.


The sum of Genesis 1:1 word values and of their mirror images is 5483 and the sum of the Genesis 50:26 word values and of their mirror images is 7962. The difference between these two figures is once again a multiple of 37 (7962 – 5483 = 2479 = 37 x 67).


The plus/minus or alternate addition and subtraction of the Genesis 1:1 word values 913 – 203 + 86 – 401 + 395 – 407 + 296 is 679. The plus/minus of the Genesis 50:26 word values 456 – 156 + 52 – 46 + 576 – 400 + 89 – 407 + 366 – 259 + 382 is 653. The sum of the two results 679 + 653 is 1332, a multiple of 37 and the average value of the plus/minus results is 666. The figure 1332 divided by the total number of words is equal to the total number of letters (1332/18 =74).


The order number of the first word value of Genesis 1:1, composite 913, is 756. The fifth word value of Genesis 50:26 is 576, an anagram of 756. The sum of these two figures is a multiple of 37 (756 + 576 = 1332).


Apart from the 37 phenomena above there are some interesting connections with the figures and their order numbers. The middle word of Genesis 1:1 is 401 and this prime number minus its order number 80 is 321 that is the order number of the middle word of Genesis 50:26, composite 400.


The 2nd value of the last verse 156 is the order number of 203, the 2nd value of the first verse. The sum of these numbers is 359, the 73rd prime. The 2nd value from the end of the last verse is 259 and the order number of 259 is 203, the 2nd value of the first verse.


Ian Mallett (6/7/2007)