913      1110010001                            1000100111    551

203      11001011                                    11010011    211

  86      1010110                                        0110101      53

401      110010001                                100010011    275

395      110001011                                110100011    419

407      110010111                                111010011    467

296      100101000                                000101001      41


The total of the denary values derived from the mirror images of the binary notations of the Genesis 1:1 word values is 2017 (551 + 211 + 53 + 275 + 419 + 467 + 41 = 2017). The number 2017 is an anagram of the verse total 2701. The index number of prime 2017 is 307, the mirror image of the verse total clustered (2,701 = 2 + 701 = 703). 2017 is also the index number of the composite number 2368, a multiple of 37 and the Greek gematria of ‘Jesus Christ’. Furthermore, 2017 is the highest prime combination of the Genesis 1:1 combinations. The 73rd combination of these seven values, generated using the binary system, is 867 (551 + 275 + 41) and the prime factor sum of this figure is 37 (867 = 3 x 17 x 17 and 3 + 17 + 17 = 37). The 73rd combination of the original Genesis 1:1 values is 1610 (913 + 401 + 296) and the PFS of this figure is exactly the same, i.e. 37 (1610 = 2 x 5 x 7 x 23 and 2 + 5 + 7 + 23 = 37). The 73rd combination comprises the first, middle and last values, i.e. 1st, 4th and 7th. Read as the figure 147, this is equal to 7 x 3 x 7, a digital representation of the Genesis 1:1 verse factors 73 and 37 overlaid (737). The plus/minus of the seven values 551 – 211 + 53 – 275 + 419 – 467 + 41 is 111. This is equal to 37 x 3, a digital representation of 37 and 73 overlaid (373). The digit sum of the seven values is 73. The digit sum to the middle value is 37 (5 + 5 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 1 + 5 + 3 + 2 + 7 + 5 = 37) and this is exactly the same as the digit sum of the Genesis 1:1 values to the middle value (9 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 3 + 8 + 6 + 4 + 0 + 1 = 37). The digit string to the middle value 55121153275 clusters to 604 (55 + 121 + 153 + 275 = 604), a multiple of the 37th prime 151 (604 = 2^2 x 151). The plus/minus of these cluster figures (55 – 121 + 153 – 275) is 188 and this figure is equal to 37 plus the 37th prime. The total of the primes or prime factor sums of the derived values to the middle figure is a multiple of 37 (48 + 211 + 53 + 21 = 333 = 3^2 x 37). The prime factor sum of the middle value is equal to 3 x 7 or 7 x 3. The indices of the middle values of the verse and derived figures are 80 (401) and 216 (275) and they sum to 296 or 2^3 x 37. The indices of the seven derived values are 449, 48, 17, 216, 82, 92 and 14. The sum of these is 918 and this figure added to total of the Genesis 1:1 indices 1931 is 2849, a multiple of 37 (7 x 11 x 37) and the PFS of this figure is 55, the mid-point between 37 and 73. In a factor analysis of the derived values there are two occurrences of 37 and again two of 73. These combination values are 592 and 999 = 1591 (43 x 37) and 803 and 1387 = 2190 (30 x 73). The sum of the multipliers of 37 and 73 (43 and 30) is 73. The difference between the two sums, 2190 – 1591, is 599 and this is the 110th prime (110 = 37 + 73). The total 2017 divided by the 37th prime leaves a remainder equal to the 37th composite (2017 – 13 x 151 = 54). The multiplier here of the 37th prime should not be overlooked since the number 13 is the index of prime 37. The total 2017 divided by the 73rd prime leaves a remainder that is a multiple of 37 (2017 – 5 x 359 = 222). The Genesis 1:1 verse total divided by the 37th prime leaves a remainder of 134 and the sum of this figure and the remainder of 2017 divided by the 37th prime is equal to 37 plus the 37th prime (134 + 54 = 188 = 37 + 151). The 7th value in Genesis 1:1 is 296 and its binary mirror denary equivalent 41 sum to the 7th star 337 (296 + 41 = 337). This star number preceded by its order number is 7337, a digital representation of the two Genesis 1:1 prime factors. The prime factor sum of 7337 is equal to 3 x 7 x 3, a digital representation of 37 and 73 overlaid (7337 = 11 x 23 x 29 and 11 + 23 + 29 = 63 = 3 x 7 x 3). The sum of 296 and 41 plus their indices (296 + 233 + 41 + 14 = 584) is a multiple of 73. The sum of the first and the last values of the binary mirror image denary figures is a multiple of 37 (551 + 41 = 592 = 2^4 x 37). The difference between these two figures (551 – 41) is 510 and this is the sum of the 37th and 73rd prime numbers (151 + 359 = 510). The string of ascending digits of the Genesis 1:1 values 00011223334456678999 when clustered (00 + 011 + 223 + 334 + 456 + 678 + 999) becomes 2701, the Genesis 1:1 verse total. Applying the same technique to the digits of the values derived from the binary mirror images the string is 1111122344455556779 that when clustered (1 + 111 + 122 + 344 + 455 + 556 + 779) becomes 2368. This is not the same as the total as in the other case but it is the composite with an index number equal to the total 2017, and it is a multiple of 37, and it is the Greek gematria value of ‘Jesus Christ’



Discovered by Ian Mallett – May 6th 2007. Last update May 8th 2007.

NB The prime indices are based on the premise that 1 is the first prime. Star indices based on the premise that the first star is 13.