Judy Morford (9 June 2006)
"Encouragement to Those Watching"

Dear John and Five Doves,
I can't think of you without thinking of Psalm 20 in that we all  will rejoice when you are rewarded for your faithful watching and sacrificial service in maintaining this site.  Since the late '90's, you have been my daily reading after my quiet time.  All of us who have faithfully watched with you have endured testing during the intervening years.  None of us expected to still be waiting but we are.  It has been a purifying process moving us towards  a trust that is tested and an acknowledgment of His utter sovreignty in timing.
I want to encourage those of us holding on with the latest encouragement I myself have received about the immediacy of His return.  In the early '90's, I asked the Lord for a dream regarding His return.  My three college age kids had each had vivid dreams about His return, and I longed to experience that reality.
Four night visions or dreams came in a matter of a few months.  I was puzzled by the dreams because I was standing with my son in a house I did not recognize as ours.  We were watching a warehouse a few blocks from us with workers arriving for work.  I realized that a tornado was approaching rapidly and was dumbfounded since we live in the Pacific Northwest.  The workers were panicked and began to run for ditches.  I told my son, "We are all going to die".  The tornado was immense filling the full horizon by then.  Before we experienced any actual destruction, a large soft light filled sphere intervened and filled the space between us and the tornado.  I said, "The Lord has returned."  That dream then ended.  In two of the four dreams, I was clearly the Lord's Bride.  In one, we were walking on the beach, looking back in great sadness at the people's choice to experience the terror that they were about to endure.&nb! sp; We then turned to face the joys that awaited both of us for eternity.  I felt peace, joy and complete understanding that I have never felt in this human state.
In the final dream, I was visibly uptight and standing in the hall of this house that I did not recognize.  I was staring at the front door, expecting the Lord at any moment.  The Lord was also behind me, waiting with me.  He gently bent down to my ear and said, "Judy, you are just going to have to trust me."
All of this now has played out in a way that I could not understand at the time.  My  CEO son is in the process of moving his entire company, warehouse and office from Seattle to the Bend area where we now have a residence.  The house we have been in for the past two years is clearly the house that was in my vision/dreams.  It has the physically distinguishing characteristics that I saw in my dream.  The move in date of my son's business and warehouse is set for September 1, this fall.  We are watching his warehouse being built.  I have been distressed in the waiting with my husband having a heart event a few weeks ago and spending several days in ICU here.  His returning to work seems impossible to me (we are here to take advantage of the real estate boom in the area and hopefully secure a more adequate retirement, which the Lord quietly assures me we will not need).  I am indeed staring at the front door in a stressed ! state a waiting His return, knowing it is the only solution to our circumstances that I can foresee.
The ENCOURAGING event that has recently occurred is this. One daughter has watched intensely with me for the Lord's return, while the other daughter is focused on an evangelism ministry.  Her husband is Executive Vice President of a ministry that most Americans would immediately recognize.  The daughter that is most intensely watching for the Lord's return had prayed ( unknown to me) that the Lord would encourage us with someone in the family other than either of us having a dream about His return.  That dream was to be an indication that He was just about to return.
Sure enough, my evangelistic daughter mentioned to me that she had just had the most vivid dream.  She said, "I was explaining to my 8 yr. old that the Lord was just about to appear.  It was such a natural event. I told her that she would see the face of Jesus in just a few minutes and then we saw His face and I woke up."  I did not know the prayer request of my other daughter regarding the dream.  I only knew that her dream addressed my own anxiety in suddenly feeling that I was on "unknown" territory even though I have looked forward to His return for about 35 yrs.  Her dream calmed my anxiety.  "Mom, it was so calm and natural.  It was just the next thing to happen.  He returned."  Only a few days ago did  both my daughters realize the significance of the answered prayer request regarding the dream.  They had individually told me about the prayer and the dream but just "connected" with each other on the awesome a! nswer t o prayer that the dream was.
I believe that His return is very, very near.  Perhaps it is days or weeks but certainly not years by what He seems to have revealed to me.  May we all lift up our heads despite our challenging circumstances and hold on just a little while longer.  God bless, with love.
Judy Morford