John Tng (18 Sep 2022)
"God Gave Me a Supernatural Sign!"

Dear Doves,

On Aug 10, day 222 of 2022, God gave me a supernatural sign!

A Magical Gift

My eldest daughter toured Spain in April with her hubby and friends when countries were opening up for international travel. They had to extend their stay after catching the Covid virus towards the tail end of their trip. My daughter bought me a little something touristy which I eventually received at the end of May when we had a family get-together. It is a magic square from the famous Basílica de la Sagrada Família ("Basilica of the Holy Family") in Barcelona.

My daughter knows I have this thing about numbers 😃. So I am truly appreciative of her and hubby for thinking of me when they saw this magic square, on the Passion facade of Sagrada Familia, located next to the Kiss of Judas sculpture.

It didn't take long before I found something significant about the magic square. But its real significance was only beginning to dawn on me in recent weeks.

Sagrada Familia Magic Square

The simplest magic square is a 3x3 square shown below.

It is filled with numbers from 1 to 9. Each row, column and diagonal sums to 15, known as the magic constant. The Sagrada Familia magic square is adapted from a very famous magic square, a 4x4 square with magic constant 34 (see below).

Its author, Albrecht Dürer, immortalized this magic square in his 1514 copper engraving Melencolia I. The two numbers in the middle of the bottom row give the date of the engraving: 1514. The numbers 1 and 4 at either side of the date correspond respectively to the letters "A" and "D," which are the initials of the artist.

Compare it with the Sagrada Familia magic square below.

Its magic constant is 33, instead of 34 that is the normal magic constant for a standard 4x4 magic square (eg Dürer square). The numbers 12 and 16 are missing and 10 and 14 are repeated. Why did the sculptor Josep Maria Subirachs choose such an odd and imperfect magic square and placed it next to the Kiss of Judas sculpture?

The usual answer that can be found on the web is that the magic constant of 33 is the supposed age of Christ at his death. But still, why 10 & 14 and not other possible numbers? (There are other combinations with magic constant 33.)

Before I give my take on the Subirachs magic square, I want to devote a large part of this post to the Dürer square. The two magic squares have deep connections.

The Mysterious Engraving

The more you delve into Dürer and his engraving, Melencolia I, the more you come away mystified by all the symbols and objects in his art piece.

The art historian Campbell Dodgson wrote in 1926, "The literature on Melancholia is more extensive than that on any other engraving by Dürer: that statement would probably remain true if the last two words were omitted."

To begin with, this is no ordinary art, a masterpiece created by the master printmaker generally regarded as the greatest German Renaissance artist.

To cut the long story short, the supernatural sign that God gave me confirms my long-held belief that Obama is the Antichrist. Two major evidences in the engraving support that belief: the 8-faced solid (at the foot of the ladder in the engraving) and the magic square.

Dürer's Solid

The shape, design, and the angel's thoughtful gaze, earned this intriguing stone its name, Dürer's solid. Together with the magic square and the presence of several symbol-rich objects, the engraving appears to conceal a secret. Was the angel trying to solve a puzzle or simply direct our attention to find the clues to the puzzle?

Dürer's solid looks every bit like a puzzle. After 500 years, we now know a lot more about the solid than when it was first unveiled by Dürer. In mathematical jargon, it is known as a truncated triangular trapezohedron.

The solid has 8 faces: 2 triangles and 6 pentagons. Observe that Dürer strategically positioned the polyhedron in such a way that only 3 pentagon and 1 triangle faces are visible in view; the remaining half, another 3 pentagon and 1 triangle faces, are hidden from view.

The huge secret is this: the 666 beast of Revelation 13:18 is hidden in plain sight!

The beast is visibly imprinted on the front-facing inverted pentagon what looks like the Superman shield. To help you better visualize, see the print below (one of many prints printed using the copper engraving plate) which shows the beast with a diabolical look in the eyes (from Wolfram Mathworld).

Dürer's solid has a total of 18 edges: 6+6+6 edges !!!!!!

Look closely at Dürer's solid below. There are 13 visible edges (solid lines) and 5 hidden edges (dotted lines). The 13 visible edges point to Revelation chapter 13; by adding the remaining 5 hidden edges, the total of 18 edges points to verse 18 of Revelation chapter 13.

Consider another intriguing feature below.

From the above triangles, it can be seen that the number 8 leads to 36 which in turn leads to 666. Dürer's solid has 8 faces and 18 edges. But if you count the 2 triangles and 6 pentagons separately, there are 36 (2x3 + 6x5) edges !!!!!!

So both the roots of 666 (8 & 36) are key numbers found on Dürer's solid.

Dürer's Magic Square

Dürer's solid is like the philosopher's stone, mysterious, evoking curiosity. Dürer's magic square rates even higher on the enigma scale.

First, realize that Dürer's magic square is only 1 out of 880 possible 4x4 magic squares with numbers 1 to 16. What made Dürer decide to choose the one square that eventually became immortalized in art history, with this super mysterious magic square named after him?

Was it happenstance or providence that Dürer simply chose a square with the bottom row coinciding with the date of the engraving, 1514, and the flanking numbers 1 & 4, that match his initials, A.D.?

Putting that question aside, Dürer's magic square truly lives up to its fame and much more to my discovery!

It appears that Dürer has intention to link the magic square to his Revelation 13:18 solid. He did not try to hide the botched number 6 behind 5, the cell below 16 (observed by others too); hence, together with two other surface sixes, the number 666 was engraved not so subtly into the magic square and left us an intriguing clue.

The only scripture with gematria value 666 is Numbers 10:20. Numbers chapter 10 is chapter 127 of the Bible, counting Genesis chapter 1 as the first chapter.

It just so happens that the three sixes in Dürer's magic square occupy cells 1, 2, 7 counting column-wise starting from cell 16 on the upper left corner.

This leads me to what I have been saying all along -- 127 plus 666 is 793, the English gematria of Barack Hussein Obama.

Perhaps Dürer only wanted to conceal 666 and the Revelation 13:18 beast in his engraving. Given the enigmatic symbols and apocalyptic undertone of Melencolia I, this is a distinct possibility. But God works in mysterious ways. What I am about to show you is totally supernatural.

Magical Numbers

To unlock the secrets of Dürer's magic square, we need to find the key. Who better to look to for this key if not the Wonderful Numberer, Jesus Christ? He is the Creator of everything; that includes math and magic squares. Finding Jesus will lead us to cracking the code.

What started my magical journey was the cross shaped magic cells found in both the magic squares of Subirachs and Dürer; twice in the former, 4 times in the latter (see below).

Subirachs (magic constant 33)
Dürer (magic constant 34)

What really piqued my interest was the number 793 (Barack Hussein Obama) found on the crosses; upright in Subirachs square (top left in the above), inverted in Dürer square (top right). Upon further research and reflection, I realized that even the 880 4x4 magic squares are shouting that Jesus died on the cross to save mankind!

The focus of the magic squares is 397 (Jesus in Hebrew; see link) the Christ, not 793 the Antichrist. The mirror of 397 (Jesus) is 793 (BHO), the counterfeit christ.

A search in the 880 4x4 magic squares throws up 308 crosses, including Dürer's 4 crosses. But only 8 crosses (found in 8 magic squares) contain the numbers 3, 9, 7 (397 Jesus). Hence, 8 of the 880 magic squares are found with Jesus on the cross; 8+880 = 888, the Greek gematria of JESUS !!!!!!!

The real magic of the 4x4 magic squares is JESUS, the Savior of the world.

But the LORD left us clues to the Antichrist, whose identity is exposed in the inverted cross of Dürer square.

The 308 crosses are found on 121 magic squares. Be totally blown away by adding the numbers below:
880 > 121 > 308 > 8 > 1

The sum of these numbers add to 1318, Revelation 13:18 !!!!!!

The Magic in Dürer Square

What is so special about the Dürer square? Besides being one of two famous 4x4 normal magic squares with a name (the other is Chautisa Yantra, found in the Parshavnath temple, India), it is one out of eight magic squares with the '397/793' cross. More crucially, it is the only 'cross' square connected to Revelation 13:18.


In the Dürer square above, on the upper right corner, the grouped digits form the number 1318; four digits below it form the number 1769. These two numbers may earn the famous square another name: the 666 beast magic square. I have discovered that 1318 and 1769 are the grand totals of the right- and left-truncatable triangular numbers. Both series end on 666. These two numbers on the Genesis Pyramid (see link) reveal the identity of the Antichrist in the Revelation Stone 1318.

On the upper left corner of the Dürer square, the circled number 163, is the ordinal total (A=1, B=2, ... Z=26) of Barack Hussein Obama. Intrigued by such a combination (16+3), the LORD led me to an astounding secret hidden in the 880 4x4 magic squares.

Continue pairing and adding horizontally row by row just like 16+3: 163 + 213 + 510 + 118 + 96 + 712 + 415 + 141. The sum is the Greek gematria of JESUS CHRIST (2368) !!!!!!!!

The same total 2368 (Jesus Christ) is obtained if you pair and add vertically column by column: 165 + 94 + 310 + 615 + 211 + 714 + 138 + 121 = 2368 JESUS CHRIST !!!!!!!!

M A G I C !!!!!!!!

But this magic is not unique to Dürer square. It turns out the JESUS CHRIST (2368) code is found in 584 out of the 880 4x4 magic squares, reigning supreme as the most frequently occurring code !!!!!!!!

The total number of JESUS CHRIST (2368) code is 640 (514 horizontal plus 126 vertical). Due to 56 squares having 2 codes (that includes Dürer square), the number of unique squares with the code is 584. The above charts testify that JESUS CHRIST holds the key to unlocking the secrets buried in the 4x4 magic squares. He is the central figure hidden in the squares.

After I stumbled upon this huge secret, I began to wonder, am I the only person with this knowledge? Actually no. I was rather surprised to have found one other researcher who published this little known curious secret in Dürer square:ürer_en.html. But the author did not go beyond Dürer square and analyzed the entire set of 880 4x4 magic squares like I did.

The abundance of the JESUS CHRIST (2368) code in the 880 4x4 magic squares is akin to the Cambrian explosion. Perhaps, its appearance in Revelation 13:18, as the Greek gematria of its ending phrase, "and his number is Six hundred threescore and six" (2368), suggests that JESUS CHRIST puts His imprimatur on the 4x4 magic squares to add weight to His testimony.

The JESUS CHRIST (2368) Code

Dürer square is numbered #175 according to the original list compiled by Frénicle, the mathematician who first determined that there were 880 essentially different magic squares of order-4 (see link). The listing order was not random but based on a certain logical sequencing rule.

The number 175 is deeply connected to the 666 beast scripture as it is the remaining number of verses right to the end of the Bible after Revelation 13:18.

The 584 order-4 magic squares [of which 56 have two JESUS CHRIST (2368) codes and 528 with one code] when divided by 880, the total number of possible order-4 magic squares, results in a fascinating fraction: 584÷880 = 0.6636363636..... First, the repeating digits, 36, is the order number of the triangular number 666. Second, the distinct leading digits, 06636, hides another huge secret I wrote about in a previous post (see link).

Verse 06636 of the Bible points to Obama as the Antichrist.

Barack in Hebrew, ברק, shares the same letters as Barak (ברק), a biblical character recorded in Judges chapter 4 & 5. The name Barak is first mentioned in verse 06606 (Judges 4:6), pointing to the 666 beast. Counting forward 13+18 verses (Revelation 13:18) with verse 06606 as the first verse, the count lands on verse 06636 (Judges 5:12), where Barak is mentioned for the (6+6)th time.

Judges chapter 5 is chapter 216 of the Bible. Obama was born on Aug 4th, day 216 of 1961. The number 216 is SIX times SIX times SIX.

The number 06636 conceals an unbelievable secret. By rotating the middle digit 6 horizontally by 180°, the digit 3 by 90° anticlockwise, and the final digit 6 horizontally by 180°, the number 06636 is transformed into Obama literally !!!!!!

Moreover, the degrees of transformation when added to 216 is 180° + 90° + 180° + 216 (6x6x6) is 666 !!!!!!

The name Barak shows up in verse 06636, a mysterious number; when transformed, it reveals the name Obama. The JESUS CHRIST (2368) code from the 880 4x4 magic squares led us to this mysterious number 06636. Examine the two charts that display the Cambrian explosion of the JESUS CHRIST codes. Both charts begin with the number 1288, the smallest sum resulted from the horizontal and vertical pairing and summing performed on the 16 numbers found in the 880 4x4 magic squares.

How coincidental the Hebrew word #1288 is barak, another link to Obama !!!!!!

Another coincidence is the year 2008, when Obama won the US presidential election. Perform pairing and summing vertically on the Dürer square again.


But this time do so from the bottom up: 49+516+156+103+147+112+112+813 = 2008 !!!!!!

The Cross and the Beast

The Cross in the magic square is key to unlocking the secrets of Dürer square. For a 4x4 magic square with magic constant 34, there are 86 possible combinations of four numbers. This is out of 1820 possible combinations of four numbers selected from the set of numbers from 1 to 16 (16C4 = 16x15x14x13 ÷ 4x3x2x1 = 1820). Interestingly, the magic constant 34 turns out to be the most frequently occurring combination sum for a normal 4x4 magic square filled with numbers 1 to 16 (see below).

It is possible to list the 1820 combinations in a logical sequence starting from the lowest combination sum. For example, #1 in the list is the combination 1+2+3+4=10 (the first bar in the above distribution chart); #1820 is the combination 13+14+15+16=58 (the last bar in the  distribution chart).

The focus of a 4x4 magic square is the 86 combinations that sum to 34, its magic constant. Out of these 86 combinations, only one combination contains 7, 9, 3; its fourth number is 15. This special combination, {7, 9, 3, 15}, is listed as the 50th number in the list of 86 combinations. However, it is listed as the 999th number in the list of 1820 total combinations.

When the two lists are tabulated as shown below, something extraordinary takes place!

List1 List2 Num1 Num2 Num3 Num4
91 1 1 2 15 16
168 2 1 3 14 16
232 3 1 4 13 16
233 4 1 4 14 15
284 5 1 5 12 16
286 6 1 5 13 15
325 7 1 6 11 16
328 8 1 6 12 15
330 9 1 6 13 14
356 10 1 7 10 16
360 11 1 7 11 15
363 12 1 7 12 14
378 13 1 8 9 16
383 14 1 8 10 15
387 15 1 8 11 14
390 16 1 8 12 13
403 17 1 9 10 14
407 18 1 9 11 13
421 19 1 10 11 12
530 20 2 3 13 16
531 21 2 3 14 15
593 22 2 4 12 16
595 23 2 4 13 15
644 24 2 5 11 16
647 25 2 5 12 15
649 26 2 5 13 14
684 27 2 6 10 16
688 28 2 6 11 15
691 29 2 6 12 14
714 30 2 7 9 16
719 31 2 7 10 15
723 32 2 7 11 14
726 33 2 7 12 13
741 34 2 8 9 15
746 35 2 8 10 14
750 36 2 8 11 13
766 37 2 9 10 13
770 38 2 9 11 12
875 39 3 4 11 16
878 40 3 4 12 15
880 41 3 4 13 14
925 42 3 5 10 16
929 43 3 5 11 15
932 44 3 5 12 14
964 45 3 6 9 16
969 46 3 6 10 15
973 47 3 6 11 14
976 48 3 6 12 13
993 49 3 7 8 16
999 50 3 7 9 15

The total of all the numbers in the above table is 50 x 666 !!!!!!

This numerical certainty proves that the special combination, {7, 9, 3, 15}, is special indeed. Dürer could not have picked a better 4x4 magic square, out of the 880 possible order-4 magic squares, to conceal the apocalyptic intent of his famous engraving.

The Subirachs Square

It is time to return to the gift I received, the Subirachs square.

Recall that this magic square is adapted from Dürer square; 12 and 16 have been replaced by 10 and 14. By his choice of numbers, Subirachs put the spotlight on the replacement numbers 10 and 14 which are repeated and placed prominently on the square.

It is interesting that if 10 is combined with 14, the combined number 1014 is the sum of Barack Obama (221) and Barack Hussein Obama (793).

My daughter visited Basílica de la Sagrada Família on 15 Apr 2022 which happens to be Passover this year. I understood the meaning of the magic square on 10 Aug, day 222 of 2022 when 221 days had past; 221 is Barack Obama in standard English gematria (A=1, B=2, ... J=10, K=20, ... S=100, T=200 ...).

15 Apr 2022 is day 105 of 2022 when 104 days had past; 104 is Obama in standard English gematria.

The two key dates associated with the magic square gift confirm the identity of the Antichrist.

Year 2022

At the start of the year, the Obamas telegraphed a subtle message to the world. The message and picture is full of symbolism (see link).

The man himself must have sensed that his time has finally come.

Doves, our departure is at hand. Look up, for our redemption draws nigh.
