John Tng (6 March 2016)
"The Secrets hidden in Strong's Numbers"

Dear Doves,

Strong's Concordance is the most widely used concordance for the King James Bible. I believe God planted some key clues in Strong's Numbers so that using them it is possible for us end-time watchers to search out the identity of the antichrist and the year of the rapture.

This is quite a claim.

Let me illustrate with an example on searching out the identity of the antichrist using Strong's Numbers.

We will look at the words H666 and G666, the most logical Biblical words that have an obvious link to the antichrist.

Both words are very rare; in fact H666 appears twice in 1 Kings chapter 20 verses 38 and 41 while G666 is only recorded once in Phil 2:12.

1 Kings 20 is chapter 311 taking Genesis chapter 1 as the first chapter; Phil 2 is chapter 1105.

Here comes the intriguing part: There are 793 chapters in-between ch 311 and ch 1105 excluding both 'bookend' chapters. The number 793 is the English Gematria of Barack Hussein Obama.

Perhaps the above is just a coincidence. But what if we can find another similar pair? Going by the scripture, "In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established", we would have found a double confirmation.

To look for a similar pair this time we will try H793 and G793, a logical choice. The Hebrew word, H793, appears once in Num 21:15; the Greek word, G793, is clustered within two chapters in Second Peter chapters two & three (2 Pe 2:14 & 3:16). Numbers chapter 21 is ch 138 and 2 Peter chapters 2 & 3 are ch 1158 and ch 1159 respectively.

Notice for the two words to form a pair of bookends, the occurrences of these words must be rare; or they must be clustered within one or two chapters.

The number of chapters in-between ch 138 (Numbers chapter 21 for H793) and ch 1159 (2 Peters chapter 3 for H793) is 1020.

Now if you have worked with Bible Numerics like I do, you may have an idea why this number 1020 matters.

It matters because the only verse that has a gematria value of 666 is Num 10:20!

Num 10:20 "And over the host of the tribe of the children of Gad was Eliasaph the son of Deuel."

וְעַל-צְבָא, מַטֵּה בְנֵי-גָד:  אֶלְיָסָף, בֶּן-דְּעוּאֵל.

111 + 52 + 181 + 7 + 62 + 54 + 93 + 106 = 666

The Blood Moon Tetrad Sign

What I have done so far is simply looking at Strong's Hebrew and Greek Numbers to see if they throw light on Bible prophecy. The above two pairs of Strong's Numbers, H666 & G666, and H793 & G793, clearly tell us that Barack Hussein Obama (793) is the antichrist (666).

The first pair, H666 & G666, is a direct connection since the in-between number of chapters is 793, Barack Hussein Obama.

The connection provided by the second pair, H793 & G793, is indirect since we need to realize that the in-between number of chapters, 1020, is linked to Num 10:20 -- the only verse in the Bible with gematria 666.

It turns out the number 1020 is an important number. It leads us to the blood moon tetrad, a major end-time sign given to the watching church in these last seconds of the church age.

How is the number 1020 linked to the blood moon tetrad?

If you search the Bible for the occurrence of these two words, 'blood' & 'moon', only three verses show up: Joe 2:31, Act 2:20, and Rev 6:12.
Joe 2:31 "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and the terrible day of the LORD come."

Act 2:20 "The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before that great and notable day of the Lord come:"

Rev 6:12 "And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood;"
The first two scriptures are essentially identical. Act 2:20 is Joe 2:31 quoted by the Apostle Peter on the day of Pentecost. The fulfillment of these two scriptures was barely five months ago when we last witnessed the final and fourth blood moon on Sep 28, 2015.

Well, does it surprise you that Acts chapter 2 is ch 1020 of the Bible counting from Genesis chapter 1?

You may be astounded too to know that ch 5776, the current Hebrew year, is also ch 1020!

The Bible only has 1189 chapters; but if you keep adding four times, 1189 + 1189 + 1189 + 1189, and add 1020 after that, the sum is 5776, the current Hebrew year that began on Sep 14, 2015 -- before the last blood moon Sep 28, 2015.

Is this random or by design?

Joe chapter 2 is ch 878 of the Bible. Starting from ch 878 as the first chapter, if you count forward 666 + 666 chapters, guess what, you end up on ch 1020!
312 chapters = From ch 878 (Joe 2) to ch 1189 (Rev 22), last chapter of the Bible
1020 chapters = From ch 1 (Gen 1) to ch 1020 (Act 2)

666 + 666 chapters = 312 + 1020 chapters
Furthermore, the gematria of Joe 2:31, the blood moon scripture, is 666 + 666 + 666 !!!

So the number 1020 is intimately linked to 666 and the year 5776 and the blood moon tetrad before the coming of the LORD.

This tells us we are super near to the rapture.

It also tells us that the 666 beast is about to be revealed after the sign of blood moon tetrad.

Tom Horn wrote, "5,776 is exactly how many inches high the Great Pyramid in Giza would be when completed with its capstone, a sacred fact to occultists." (see

But before the 666 beast is finally revealed, the Christians must first be removed at the rapture (my next post).

That is why the rapture is almost upon us.

Look up, doves, it won't be long now.

Hang on. It will be worth the wait.
