John Tng (21 Aug 2009)
"Mysterious Missing Greek Words & the Antichrist"

Dear Doves,

The SHOCKING TRUTH that is hidden in the Strong's numbers concerning the antichrist is unbelievable. Many believers doubt the validity of Strong's numbers. In fact, I too was skeptical when Clay Cantrell first started posting on Strong's numbers several years back. (Clay was visionary as far as numbers go.) Certainly, the sovereign LORD is free to hide His truths anywhere, including the numbers listed in the Strong's concordance. But did He actually do that?

The answer is an emphatic YES.

JESUS CHRIST (Greek gematria 2368) -- the author of the Word, showed us that the Strong's number phenomenon is real by hiding something HUGE in thumiama (Strong's G2368; incense) -- the Greek word that bears the number of His name. Astonishingly the Greek gematria of thumiama, 501, is also the Hebrew gematria of 'Barack Hussein Obama'! (gematria detail at the end of article)

This 'coincidence' appears to be calculated. Perhaps this is why the ending phrase of Rev 13:18, "and his number is Six hundred threescore and six", is also 2368 in value. The Master left us clues leading to the breaking of the 666 code.

What I am about to show you next is so INCREDIBLE that one is compelled to conclude that Strong's numbers were ordered with divine inspiration. Not many are aware that there are 101 unassigned numbers in Strong's Greek Concordance: G2717 and G3203 to G3302 (link). These are missing Greek words in the concordance so to speak. Thus, the total number of Greek words listed in the concordance is 5624 - 101 = 5523 words. This reduced total number of words just happens to be THREE TIMES 1841 -- the Greek gematria of ANTICHRIST, whose Strong's number is 500 -- which happens to be the Hebrew gematria of 'Barack Hussein Obama'!

The last unassigned Strong's number, G3302, is the Hebrew gematria total of all four possible spellings of 'Barack Hussein Obama' !!!!!!  (see end of article)

3302 = 500(BHO)+501(BHO)+1150(BHO)+1151(BHO)

But 3302 is also TWICE 1651 -- another Greek gematria of ANTICHRIST as found in 1 John 2:18 (link)! Each pair of the Hebrew gematria values of BHO sums to 1651 (500+1151 or 501+1150).

The unassigned Strong's numbers somehow reveal two possible gematria values of the Greek word, antichristos, for ANTICHRIST (1651 & 1841); they also identify the man of sin (BHO: 500, 501, 1150 & 1151).

If this isn't enough, there is yet another witness from the third Greek gematria of ANTICHRIST, 2041, found in 1 John 4:3 (link). To see how this number fit in the enigma, examine below the complete set of Obama name triplets in English.

BHO Name Triplets in English Gematria
Name Triplet B
Total Gematria 1599 2041 1118

The second BHO name triplet above is 2041 -- the third Greek gematria of ANTICHRIST !!! The sum of the first and last BHO name triplets is 1599+1118 = 2717 -- the first unassigned Strong's number !!!!!!


The missing Greek words in the Strong's concordance form an intricate puzzle whose solution leaves us in no doubt as to who the antichrist is. First, the total number of Greek words after subtracting the unassigned ones is THREE TIMES 1841 -- the ANTICHRIST gematria #1. Second, the last unassigned number, 3302, is TWICE 1651 -- the ANTICHRIST gematria #2, also the Hebrew gematria total of four possible spellings of 'Barack Hussein Obama'. Third, the first unassigned number, 2717, is the sum of two BHO English name triplets; the remaining name triplet is precisely 2041 -- the ANTICHRIST gematria #3.

The First Missing Greek Word (G2717)

The first unassigned Strong's number, 2717, is the sum of two English name triplets of Obama: 1599 & 1118; the latter is the Hebrew gematria of the SHEMA as well as the chapter order of the ANTICHRIST chapter, 2 Th 2, which is also the 2009th chapter of the New Testament. The Bible is spot on in predicting the rise of the antichrist in 2009.

It is interesting that the first Obama name triplet, 1599, is THREE TIMES the English gematria of the word PRESIDENT. Thus, combining 1599 with 1118, the first missing Greek word, G2717, is in effect the sum of the following:

The Antichrist Name Triplet
(English Gematria)
First Unassigned Strong's Number
President Obama
President Barack Obama
President Barack Hussein Obama

637   = 533 + 104
754   = 533 + 117 + 104
1326 = 533 + 117 + 572 + 104

2717 = 637 + 754 + 1326

The corresponding Hebrew word in the Strong's concordance, H2717, as found in Eze 30:7, has a gematria of 666 !!!!!!

Since there are 8674 Hebrew words listed in the Strong's Concordance, subtracting 2717 from it gives 5957. The Hebrew word listed as H5957 is alam (meaning forever); it is the Aramaic equivalent of H5769 -- the CURRENT HEBREW YEAR we are in right now !!!!!!

Not only did we find the antichrist in the missing Greek words, we also found the year of his rising to power in the Gregorian year 2009 and the Hebrew year 5769!

Nebuchadnezzar, described as a king of kings twice in Scripture, is a perfect TYPE for the antichrist. He is the only person in the Bible addressed in this manner, "O king, live for ever" (Dan 2:4, 3:9, 5:10, 6:21). The Hebrew for the words "for ever" is alam (H5957), the Aramaic equivalent of H5769 -- the CURRENT HEBREW YEAR we are in right now!

The first appearance of  the phrase, "O king, live for ever (5769)", is recorded in verse 4 of Daniel chapter 2. This is chapter 2008 of Cycle 2 of the Bible Wheel ! The Hebrew year 5769 began in the fall of 2008.

The last appearance of  the phrase, "O king, live for ever (5769)", is found in Dan 6:21:

Dan 6:21  ThenH116 saidH4449 DanielH1841 untoH5974 the king,H4430 O king,H4430 liveH2418 for ever.H5957 / H5769

How interesting the Strong's number for the name Daniel in Aramaic, 1841, is the Greek gematria of ANTICHRIST found in the Greek concordance!

The 'O king' address fits President ZERO to a T! He is the Big 'O', isn't he?

Did you know DANIEL was made the FIRST PRESIDENT at the time Darius was king? Check it out in Daniel chapter 6. In fact, he is the only named PRESIDENT in the Bible. The word PRESIDENTS is only found in Daniel chapter 6.

Daniel is full of surprises. The total number of verses in the book of Daniel, 357, is the Hebrew gematria of 'Barack Obama'! The name Daniel is an amalgam of the name DAN (judge) and EL (God). The antichrist descends from the tribe of DAN. Isn't it odd both the Hebrew gematria of the names OBAMA and DAN is 54?

The Three Unassigned Strong's Numbers

The 101 unassigned Strong's numbers are: G2717, G3203 to G3302. When these three numbers are subtracted from the gematria of Re 13:18 -- the 666 beast scripture, the difference is a number that is the 666th prime !!!!!!

14191 (Re 13:18) - 2717 - 3203 - 3302 = 4969 the 666th prime !

Since the beast has appeared in 2009, subtract the year from the 666th prime to see if the number is significant: 4969 (666th prime) - 2009 (666 beast appeared) = 2960. It turns out the number 2960 is the sum of the difference total of the three gematria values of ANTICHRIST in the Genesis 1:1 Pyramid !!!

The G11 Pyramid holds the clues to our escape and the second coming of Jesus. More than a year ago I was prompted by the Spirit to number the 2701 stones of Genesis 1:1 (gematria 2701). I started numbering from the base and was intrigued by the 37th row beginning with stone 1999. With a stroke of luck (or Providence?) I decided to join the stones marked by JESUS (888), CHRIST (1480) and JESUS CHRIST (2368). I was overjoyed that the line joining 1480 (CHRIST) and 2368 (JESUS CHRIST) cuts through 2009! Bob Ware decided to number the stones from the capstone at the stop towards the base, just the opposite of the direction I counted. Bob's red stones 888 (JESUS) and 2368 (JESUS CHRIST), when joined projected a line that ends on the year 2008. Clearly the triangulation indicates that between 2008 and 2009, a momentous historic event is bound to happen. I believe it has happened and is still happening, namely, the rise of the 666 beast and our soon departure. The small window is fast disappearing.

Back to the three Greek gematria values of ANTICHRIST. Due to the two ways of counting, each stone may have two values governed by this equation: 2702 - red = blue. If we total the differences of the red and blue stones of the three gematria values of ANTICHRIST, the sum is 600 + 980 + 1380 = 2960. Add to this number the year of the antichrist, 2009, the sum is 2960 + 2009 = 4969 -- the 666th prime number !!!

The sum of differences of the red and blue stones of ANTICHRIST is also the sum of differences of the red and blue stones of JESUS (888) and JESUS CHRIST (2368): 926 + 2034 = 2960 !!!

The total of differences of these five stones -- ANTICHRIST (1651), ANTICHRIST (1841), ANTICHRIST (2041), JESUS (888) and JESUS CHRIST (2368) is 2960 + 2960 = 5920. This number is the sum of the first two unassigned Strong's numbers: 2717 + 3203 = 5920 !

2960 is also the sum of 1151 (BHO in Hebrew) and 1809 (BHO in Greek) !

Thus the sum of the three unassigned Strong's numbers consists of eight gematria values of Obama:

G2717 + G3203 + G3302 =
           1151 (BHO)  + 1151 (BHO) + 1809 (BHO) + 1809 (BHO) +
             500 (BHO)  +   501 (BHO) + 1150 (BHO) + 1151 (BHO)

Doves, I hope your eyes are open. We don't have much time left. Be prepared. He is at the doors!

M A R A N A T H A !


B A R A C K    H U S S E I N   O B A M A
 2    1   90    1    3   20       8   300 100 100 5   9  50      60   2    1    40    1
             (117)              +               (572)                  +            (104)  =  793       
Μπαράκ   Χουσεΐν  Ομπάμα (link)
   40  80  1  100  1  20       600 70 400 200 5 10 50     70  40  80  1  40  1
            'B' (242)          +            'H' (1335)           +       'O' (232)     =  1809
ברק  חוסיין    אובמה
 5     40    2     6    1              50 10 10 60   6   8        100  200   2                (link)
               'O' (54)             +          'H' (144)           +      'B' (302)     =   500
ברק  חוסיין  אובאמה
 5      40    1    2     6    1       50  10 10 60   6   8        100  200   2               (link)
               'O' (55)             +          'H' (144)           +      'B' (302)     =   501
ברק  חוסיין    אובמה
5      40    2     6    1             700 10 10 60   6   8       100  200   2
               'O' (54)             +          'H' (794)           +      'B' (302)     =  1150
ברק  חוסיין  אובאמה
5      40    1    2     6    1       700 10 10 60   6   8       100  200   2
               'O' (55)             +          'H' (794)           +      'B' (302)     =  1151