John Tng (18 June 2009)
"Four Powerful Verses and the Antichrist"

Dear Doves,

The opening and closing verses of the Bible are very powerful verses. What is the secret concealed in Genesis 1:1 and Revelation 22:21?

Their gematria total is 2701 + 8971 = 11672.

 2701 (Ge 1:1)    
+    8971 (Re 22:21)    =
793 + 666
793 + 666
793 + 666
793 + 666
793 + 666
793 + 666
793 + 666
793 + 666

The number 793 is the English gematria value of 'Barack Hussein Obama'. Coincidence perhaps?

Contrary to an Internet hoax, the middle verse of the Bible is NOT Ps 118:8 (see link). There are actually two middles verses: Ps 103:1 and Ps 103:2. Add the gematria values of these two middle verses to Ge 1:1 and Re 22:11 and get a surprise!

 2701 (Ge 1:1)    
+ 2662 (Ps 103:1)  
  + 2019 (Ps 103:2)    
    + 8971 (Re 22:21)    =
1151 + 666
1151 + 666
1151 + 666
1151 + 666
1151 + 666
1151 + 666
1151 + 666
1151 + 666
1151 + 666

The number 1151 is the Hebrew gematria value of 'Barack Hussein Obama'!

These two numbers of BHO, 793 and 1151, are linked intimately to the clock phenomenon. The sum of two 666th minutes (modern and Jewish) is 666 (modern) + 306 (Jewish) = 972. (Note: 306 minutes from midnight is 666 minutes from 6 pm sundown the previous day when a Jewish day begins.) Since there are four 666th minutes (modern and Jewish), their total is 666 + 306 + 666 + 306 = the sum of the two gematria values of BHO (793+1151) !!!!!

God cannot be any clearer speaking through the two middle verses:

 2662 (Ps 103:1)  
  + 2019 (Ps 103:2)    =

The LORD JESUS CHRIST whose Greek gematria value is 3168, confirms the two BHO numbers through the clock phenomenon:

 Lord Jesus Christ       

See Bob's post for another confirmation of 3168 here. Bob wrote:

The sum of the ASCII codes for 'Barack' is 580 and the sum of the ASCII codes for 'Barack Hussein Obama' is 1795.
        580 + 1795 + 793 = 3168 > the Greek gematria of 'LORD JESUS CHRIST'.

I rest my case.


P.S. The word BLESS in Hebrew is BARAK (sounds like BARACK). It appears ONCE each in the two middle verses! I wrote an article on the first two appearances of the gematria value of 234 in the Bible and both are BARAK! (see link)

B A R A C K    H U S S E I N   O B A M A
 2    1   90    1    3   20       8   300 100 100 5   9  50      60   2    1    40    1
             (117)              +               (572)                  +            (104)  =  793       
ברק  חוסיין  אובאמה
 5      40    1    2     6    1       700 10 10 60   6   8       100  200   2
               'O' (55)             +          'H' (794)           +      'B' (302)     =  1151