John Tng (5 May 2008)
"Jesus says the TIME of our redemption is 2008!"

Dear doves,

The title probably got your attention. No, I am not a prophet nor the son of a prophet. I did not hear a still small voice from the Lord. Nonetheless, we have an infinitely creative God who is able to speak to us through His creation. God loves to hide things for us to discover; He says in Prov 25:2, "It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter."

Brethren, Jesus "hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father." (Rev 1:6). As kings, we have the honour to search out the hidden things of God.

Jesus hides the year of our redemption in plain sight for the last two thousand years in a daily phenomenon we experience every moment of our lives -- the phenomenon of TIME! How could we have missed it! :)

I was inspired to look for the rapture clues in the CLOCK when Stephen Bacon wrote that he saw the time 2:08 AM in the wee hours of the morning (see link). The time 2:08 AM resembles year 2008. At first, the association looks like the product of an over-imaginative mind of a zealous watcher, whose penchant for grasping at straws in a desperate hope to escape planet earth makes him a laughing-stock to the scoffers. However, we zealous watchers may have the last laugh.

Unless the intriguing TIME clue left by the Lord is merely a coincidence.

You be the judge.

I was astounded when I discovered that 2:08 AM falls exactly on the minute that coincides with the Greek gematria of LORD JESUS CHRIST, 3368! The phenomenon reminds me of the Genesis 1:1 Pyramid work done by Bob Ware and myself. The Lord Himself points to year 2008 over and over and over again.

The Jewish day begins 6 pm sundown. Count forward two full days plus 8 hours and 8 minutes and we arrive spot on at 2:08 AM. The total duration is 56 hours and 8 minutes, which is 3368 minutes --the Greek gematria of LORD JESUS CHRIST!

Even the day-hour time description of the duration points to 2008, just like 2:08 AM: the total amount of time is 2 days and a little over 8 hours.

If we transpose the 8 hours and 8 minutes from the Jewish to modern day reckoning, the time in the evening is 20:08 -- a perfect resemblance of 2008!

The year 2008 appears to gravitate towards the Lord Jesus Christ. Could it be because Jesus is the 2nd Person in the Godhead and that 2,000 years is 2 great days and the number 8 is 2 TIMES 2 TIMES 2? Not to mention the Greek gematria of Jesus is 888; or that the number 28 is the 2nd perfect number. We know Jesus is the Creator (John 1:3); might not the 28 Hebrew letters of the Big Bang scripture, Genesis 1:1, be His signature?

The number 2 signifies witness. I was totally awed when the Lord showed me He is IN the 2008th minute on the face of the clock! This time, the Greek gematria of JESUS CHRIST, 2368, is used in the design instead. 

2008 minutes is 1 day 9 hours and 28 minutes. As before, we begin with the time 9:28 AM on our modern clock. This is the 2368th minute if we reckon time according to the Jews counting from 6pm two sundowns earlier! The total duration of 2368 minutes is 39 hours and 28 minutes or 1 day 15 hours 28 minutes. 

In other words, the difference between the 2368th min and the 2008th min is 6 hours or 360 minutes. This is precisely the time difference between the modern and Jewish day reckonings. The 2008th min on our modern clock is 2368th min on the Jewish clock!

Examine the beautiful SYMMETRY below and ask this question, "Is this the work of mere mortals?"

TIMESymmetryThe Lord's
Greek Gematria
2:08 AM20:08 PM (modern to Jewish)3368th min (Jewish)Lord Jesus Christ
2008th min (9:28 AM)208 min    (Jewish to modern)2368th min (Jewish) Jesus Christ

The symmetry is obtained this way. We begin TIME using the modern clock. The same time when read using the Jewish clock ends on the LORD'S TIME. The modern time 2:08 AM is 8 hours 8 minutes into the Jewish day; this same time in the evening on the Jewish clock is 20:08 PM.

The 2008th minute on the modern clock is 9:28 AM on the second day. 9:28 AM on the Jewish clock is 3:28 AM on the modern clock or 208 minutes into the modern day.

The SYMMETRY is awesome!

The time 2:08AM has another surprise. It is 2 hours 8 minutes past midnight on a modern clock. Since there are 24 hours in a day, this amount of time is 0.0888888 days! JESUS is concealed in this time as its Greek gematria value, 888!

But there is more. 2.8 hours in the afternoon on a modern clock is exactly 888 minutes from the start of the day (midnight)!

Doves, something is UP this year! May that something UP be you and me!
